Part 11: Plan of Action

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The school had requested everyone return to their dorms again.

Liam sat on the couch, on his phone, aggressively searching for something. Jamie sat on the coffee table, crisscrossed. Keith and Corrin were in the kitchen...doing whatever a werewolf and half-dragon would be doing.

"I found it!" Liam stood up, showing Jamie his phone.

"Whats S.S.A. mean?" Jamie asked, reading the article he had found.

"Science of Sparks Association." He pointed to a picture of a not-so-large building. They research people's Sparks to get a better understanding of the phenomenon."

Jamie looked at him, confused. He sat down beside him and scrolled down.

"A few months ago they went out of business. For no reason, everyone just quit or something."

"So..?" Jamie asked.

"It's sketchy." Liam protested.

"Okay, sure, it's a bit weird that some science place shut down," Jamie said, "But that doesn't mean anything. We can't just find old employees from a place that doesn't even do anything anymore and accuse them of starting a fire!"

Liam sighed, then his phone dinged. While looking at it, he realized it was a notification from the website.

"What?.." He mumbled.

Jamie leaned over to look at it. "Wanting to apply?- Wait, how are they still hiring employees?"

"Not sure.." Liam replied, tapping the link that showed up. It brought him to a shady website, talking a lot about the lack of equality in Aldwynne and the unevenness of power.

"Looks like someone's not happy." Jamie mentioned.

Liam skimmed the site some more, then came across an odd picture. It looked like a giant test tube. Large wires connected it to what seemed to be a control panel. Underneath the image had a small icon of a voice recording. Liam pressed it. Static started to echo from his phone, then a female voice started speaking.

"The Spark Extractor...

This device is the centerpiece of our mission. It is the most valuable tool in our quest for equality. These people...The ones with powers...They're just not natural. They have to be stopped. With this.. we can succeed in that wish. We can extract the power straight from their bones." She paused for a moment, "Some might call us criminals...Some might call us terrorists...But this is what is right, and this is what must be done. There will be bloodshed, and they will resist us. But we will prevail. There will finally be equality. We won't have to live in fear much longer... For our plan is in action."

The recording fizzed to a stop. Liam stared at his phone, then looked at Jamie. He was just as shocked as he was. He looked up and realized Corrin and Keith we staring at them.

"What was that?" Keith asked.

"Sounded pretty weird..." Corrin mumbled.

They came and sat on the couch, looking at Liam.

"These people..." Liam started. "These people- The S.S.A.- They started the fire." He looked at Jamie, "We have to do something."

"We can't do anything." Jamie said, "We're just highschoolers."

"Highschoolers with power." Keith said, staring at the floor.

"I'm...I'm on Jamie's side," Corrin said, "We should just let the authorities take care of it."

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