Part 8: Cafeteria

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An alarm was blaring. Jamie sat up in his bed, looking around. Get got up quickly and switched his clothes since he wouldn't have time for a shower. He grabbed his bag and ran out the door.

"Hey, you're up." Liam was waiting for him by the hallway. "We're going to be late."

"I know, I know." Jamie ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel. "Let's go."

They walked to class together and sat in their usual seats.

An older man walked in. He had silvery-pink hair and green eyes and was wearing a grey sweater and khaki jeans.

"Hello, class." He said, wiping off the chalkboard that sat on the wall. "I'm Mr. Lotus." He wrote his name on it. "I'll be taking roll, when you hear your name, say "Here."" He brought out a clipboard and started to read off the names.







He continued until he got to Diego, "Diego."


He looked up, "Diego Storm?"

Jamie looked around the room. Diego wasn't there.

"This happens all the time." Keith said, "He's probably in his dorm or something."

Corrin looked up, "He's at the nurse, actually." He paused, "He... got hurt while training yesterday."

"Hm," Mr. Lotus wrote something on the clipboard. "We'll just start without him, then." He set the clipboard down. "Now, in this class, I'll be teaching you the history behind magic, and your powers, of course." He started to write on the board.

Jamie sighed. He didn't know he'd have to know history while at a magic school.

The bell rang, so everyone headed to lunch. All Tiers had lunch at the same time. Keith walked up to Jamie.

"Hey," He said, his tail swaying.

"Hi." Jamie smiled, then pulled a notebook out of his bag.

"Ooh, whats that?" Keith pointed to it.

"It's my drawing pad." Jamie flipped to a blank page, "I haven't been able to draw since I've been here, I figured I'd try during lunch."

"Nice, I'm gonna walk with Kai though. If thats cool with you." Keith said, walking ahead a bit.

"Yeah, sure." Jamie replied, "I'll see you later."

"Cya!" Keith ran off toward Kai.

Jamie walked the rest of the way by himself, then sat down at a corner table, also by himself. He began to sketch when Florence sat in front of him.

"Hey." He smiled.

Jamie looked up, "Oh hi." he closed his notebook.

He glanced at it, "What's that?"

"It's a drawing pad-"

"Hey guys!" Corrin walked up to them, Liam behind him. "What're you up to?"

Florence shrugged, then began talking about homework or something. Jamie wasn't really listening. Liam sat down next to him, adjusting his wings and setting his arms on the table. Jamie noticed that they were slightly burned again.

"Liam-" He started, but Liam shook his head.

"Later." He said, "I'll meet you at our dorm."

Florence glanced at them, "You guys good?"

They both nodded.

He stared at them for a while longer, then held his hand in a position that looked like he was showing off a ring, though he didn't have one. Liam started laughing and buried his face in his arms. Jamie glanced around, confused. Florence then smiled then continued talking to Corrin.

"What.." Jamie looked at Liam.

"It's just.." Liam smiled nervously, "An inside joke."

Florence snickered, "Mhm."

The bell rang, so they started to pack up. Jamie realized he hadn't had anything to eat. He hadn't eaten in a while. He looked up to see that Florence had pulled Liam to the side and was clapping his hands, a giant smile on his face. Then the intercom started blaring.

"Hello, Students. Unfortunately, the school day will have to come to an end."

Students all around the cafeteria started cheering.

"And I know you're probably cheering or clapping right now, but I also have to inform you that you are all to retreat to your dorms. There have been some sightings and...Evidence...Of some suspicious characters on the campus. In order to keep you students safe, we will require to you stay in your rooms unless departure is absolutely necssary."

A few people let out sighs, but most people seemed okay with that. It was what they were going to do anyway. Students started to leave the cafeteria while Jamie caught a glimpse of Liam talking to Cleo. They turned and walked up to him.

"I just invited Cleo and his dormmates over to our place, so we can all hang out." Liam said, smiling.

"Oh, cool!" Jamie replied.

"They might let us order pizza." Cleo commented.

"I invited Florence, too," Liam said.

Aldwynne High: Jamie CortesWhere stories live. Discover now