Part 9: Dorm Party

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Once everyone returned to their dorms, Liam, Jamie, Corrin, Keith, Kai, Cleo, Lucifer, Florence, and Diego met up at dorm 419.

Liam sat on the couch, Jamie offered to make everyone tea, and Corrin sat next to Liam, explaining some card game called "Oh-gi-yu." Keith lay on the floor beside the couch, and Kai offered to help Jamie. Florence sat right behind Keith and started to put his hair in little ponytails. Cleo was on his phone, sitting up against the coffee table. Lucifer was about 5'11", and had pitch-black hair and green eyes. He had been sitting on the counter. Diego sat on the kitchen floor, tossing a paper ball into the air.

"Who all wants tea?" Jamie asked.

Liam, Cleo, Florence, and Lucifer raised their hands.

Jamie went to heat the water, and Kai got out cups. Jamie held the kettle while walking past Diego, but he stretched his leg out and tripped him. Jamie fell face-first into the ground, spilling the water on himself, while Diego burst out laughing.

"Diego!" Kai scolded him, helping Jamie up.

Lucifer turned around, "Are you okay?"

Jamie nodded, "It wasn't hot yet."

Diego was still snickering, "You're such a klutz."

Kai offered to clean up so Jamie could change. The others in the living room didn't seem to notice what had happened, so while Jamie was walking past them, Keith looked up.

"Woah, what happened?" He asked.

"Diego tripped him while he was holding the kettle." Cleo answered. How had he known?

"Oh, are you okay?" Florence asked.

Jamie nodded, "I'm just gonna change."

Liam stood up, mumbling something while stomping into the kitchen. Jamie decided to retreat to his room before they started yelling at each other.

"Why'd you do that?!"

"What? It was funny."

"Liam let's not make a big deal out of-"

"Yeah, Liam, it's not a big deal."

Jamie had changed into more comfortable clothes and then returned to the living room. He looked around, the lights were off, the tv was on, and almost everyone was sitting in front of it, but Jamie couldn't spot Liam and Diego.

Keith noticed him standing there, "Oh hey, they're outside."

Jamie nodded and headed toward the door.

"You really think I can't tell?"

"What do you mean?"

They didn't seem to be arguing, just...aggressively having a conversation. Jamie decided to listen beside the door.

"You make it so obvious."

"I do not."

There was a pause...


They were silent for a bit, so Jamie opened the door.

Liam and Diego turned to look at him.

"Oh- hey." Liam stuttered.

Diego seemed to hold back a laugh. Liam shot him a look.

"Uh..." Jamie started, "Want to come back inside?.."

"Pfft, no." Diego said bluntly, "You guys are boring." He walked away, leaving them in the hall.

Jamie slowly turned to Liam, "What were you talk-"

Liam interrupted him, "Maybe everyone should go." He met his gaze, "It's getting late."

Jamie nodded.

After everyone had left and Jamie retreated to his room to draw, Liam opened his door slowly.

"Hello?" He said lightly.

Jamie looked up from his desk, "Oh hey," He smiled, "come in."

Liam walked in and sat on his bed. Jamie went back to drawing.

"Do you remember how we met?" Liam asked.

Jamie paused for a moment, "No," He kept sketching, "I don't think so."

"What about your trip to Aldwynne? And all the letters I sent you?" Liam went on.

Jamie looked at him, "Sorry, I-"

"Or all the time we spent in our treehouse? Do you even remember what we did there?" Liam continued, interrupting him.

Jamie looked at him. Liam returned his gaze, a desperate look in his eyes.

"We were pretty close..." Jamie said quietly, "Weren't we?"

Liam nodded, so Jamie got up and sat beside him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I really am sorry, Liam." Jamie said.

"I just wish we could actually do something about it." Liam replied, stretching out his wings. He seemed tired.

"We'll figure something out." Jamie looked up at him, realizing he was pretty tired too.

Liam returned his gaze, silent as he rested his hand on Jamie's leg.

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