Chapter thirty nine

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After questioning by the police, Xiao Zhan is left alone. He finally takes in all that has happened and begins to cry. His worry for Yibo had only grown bigger. He was confused, lost, and scared. Why was it he that had to suffer? What did he do to suffer such a terrible fate? These questions can't be answered.

"Xiao Zhan?" His aunt was sitting next to him, worried. Before he could wipe his tears away, she embraced Xiao Zhan with a hug. "It's ok. We'll find Yibo." For the first time in a long time, Xiao Zhan cried like a kid. He let out sounds of sorrow and grief. Xiao Zhan was at a loss as he continued crying in his aunt's arms.

"I'm ok now." Xiao Zhan wiped away his last remaining tears. "The police are looking for Yibo, so you stay here and rest, ok?"

Xiao Zhan's aunt gives him one last hug before leaving. He sighs and lays on his bed, still feeling stressed and worried.

Where are you, Yibo?

Yibo covers his eyes, feeling worn out. He can barely remember what had just happened. Instead of crying, he only sighed. He felt tired. Tired of everything. His memories of all his past life had returned to him, and he could only give out a sigh. He turned his head to see his other self. "I see you're awake."

Yibo got up and clenched his fist before punching the other Yibo. "Yibo, you can't deny that we are the same person."

Yibo looks at his other self in anger, "no. We aren't the same person at all. We only share the same body, but I will never be you. Me and Xiao Zhan never asked for this. Whatever happened in the kingdom isn't my problem. It's yours." He pulls the other Yibo close. "But because of you, it has become my problem, so I'll solve it for you."

"What are you doing?"

"All I have to do is kill the demon king, right?"

The other Yibo widens his eyes and pushes Yibo away. It's not as simple as you think. We can't just kill him by a snap of a finger."

"Then how can we kill him."

Xiao Zhan lays on his bed, anxious and unable to sleep. He was riddled with fear when the door suddenly opened. "Xiao Zhan."

Xiao Zhan turns his head to see Yibo standing at the door. Tears fill his eyes as he gets up weakly and walks toward Yibo to hug him.

"You're alive."

Xiao Zhan smiled with relief, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Sir, you can't enter the room. We have a patient in-" the nurse stops in her tracks.

Oh boy.

She quickly closes the door and ushers the other nurses away. "I know it's not allowed, but let's leave them for a bit. It seems like they're having a moment." The other nurses nod their heads in agreement.

"I was so worried about you."

Xiao Zhan pulls Yibo in for a kiss. "I miss our old times together."

"I feel the same as well." They stare at each other with loving eyes.

"I missed you so much, Yibo."

Xiao Zhan creases Yibo's face gently. The moment was short-lived; however, "What happened after Jianyu took you?" Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo, worried. "It's complicated." Yibo looks down, afraid to look Xiao Zhan in the eye. "I think you should rest. I need to talk to the police."

Xiao Zhan wanted to ask more but held back and went back to his bed. "I trust you, Yibo."

I wish I could trust myself too, Xiao Zhan.

After going to Yibo's aunts' place to tell them, he was ok, Yibo went to the police. However, it was a half-truth, of course.
After crying for what seemed like hours, he had fallen asleep in Guo Cheng's arm.

Guo Cheng puts him down and begins to cry himself. "I'm sorry, FanXing." He kisses his lover's forehead.

Suddenly FanXing grabs onto Guo Cheng's arm. He frowns in his sleep. "Dad. Come back. Don't leave me... please." FanXing begins to whimper. Guo Cheng cries more, seeing Fanxing in so much pain. He moves his hand to FanXing's heart and closes his eyes while muttering a spell.

He collapses on the ground crying, he widens his eyes and gasps. Guo Cheng rapidly encircles FanXing with a spell so that he cannot hear him cry. He yells out in agony as his heart aches. FanXing was in excruciating misery. Fear and betrayal both caused unbearable physical pain. He felt helpless and desired death. Nothing less than extreme anguish flooded Guo Cheng's heart.

The spell he cast allowed Guo Cheng to feel the pain FanXing was in, Guo Cheng then began to understand how much FanXing was suffering. After that short moment, Guo Cheng could feel regret swallowing him. He laid on the floor, unable to get up.

What have I done?

All their precious memories come flooding into his head.


"Will you be mine forever until the end?

FanXing's eyes are filled with tears as he smiles at Guo Cheng.

"Over a thousand years, my answer will always be yes."

They are overcome with joy as Guo Cheng places the ring on Fan Xing's finger.

"Until the very end, you will always be my FanXing."


"Really, Guo Cheng? 'Beauty and the beast.'

"You know I can't help myself."

As the music filled their bodies, they slowly moved about the living room. FanXing receives a tender kiss from Guo Cheng. They danced to the music and grinned happily.

"Guo Cheng, can you help me do my tie?"

"Do you still have trouble tying your tie? Aren't you 23 now?"

"No, I just wanted to kiss you."

Fanxing kisses Guo Cheng while giggling.

FanXing had woken up before remembering where he was. His eyes were puffy and red. He scanned around the room and noticed Guo Cheng drinking. FanXing hadn't fully come to terms with his condition, but he knew crying was useless. He would rather die but is forced to get used to his situation. Guo Cheng looks up at FanXing and gets up, and hugs him. "I couldn't let you go." FanXing didn't have the strength in him to push Guo Cheng away. "I'm sorry. I really am. I have always been in love with you. Not a single day goes by that I don't love you. So, please. Don't try and kill yourself again."

Guo Cheng tightens his arms around FanXing. "I can't let you go. I just can't. My life would be nothing without you. I love you, FanXing. And I always will."

"I know Guo Cheng. I know."

To be continued

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