𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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"I think your pregnant."

Fanxing coughed, "what?!" Happiness seeped inside his heart and he smiled, "I'm gonna be a dad?" FanXing felt so happy, after many years of trying and failing finally, he was granted a child of his own. "Well I can't confirm, I will need to do some testing. It'll only take a couple hours or so for the results, I'll make sure to call you back when it's time."

FanXing quickly packs his stuff up and leaves. Without a doubt in his mind FanXing knew he was pregnant. When in his car he touched his little tummy and smiled, "Hello there little baby? Can you hear me? I'm your dad. I can't wait to show you the world soon."

When arriving in the house Jianyu had already prepared the hot coco. "Movie anyone?" Jianyu suggests, "sure." Both Xiao Zhan and Yibo said together. The three prepares cozy blankets and pillows, snacks, and drinks. All three of them lay on the soft thick blanket covering the fluffy carpet. "What about home alone one?" Xiao Zhan suggests.

After twenty minutes in the movie Jianyu and Xiao Zhan starts have a competition on who Yibo should be laying closer too. Jianyu slightly pulls Yibo close to his chest but then he was suddenly pulled away and into Xiao Zhan's open arms. This went on for at least five minutes before Yibo became annoyed. Of course he knew Jianyu and Xiao Zhan liked him, Yibo hadn't made a decision yet but here is Jianyu and Xiao Zhan constantly pulling him left and and right.

"If you two keep pulling and pushing me I'm going to my bedroom." Yibo said irritated.

Finally after finishing the movie it was already six. "Hungry anyone?" Yibo gets up and starts cooking. Jingle bell is playing in background as the boys baked desserts and of course real dinner.
Current time [ 5:00pm]
Current time [5:00pm]
FanXing stood in the snow with an umbrella over his head. Snow fluttered down slowly and the wind blew gently against his face.

"I'm pregnant dad. After so long I'm having a baby."

FanXing laughed a little and smiled, "I'll make sure to take care of this little baby like how you cared for me. Full of love and happiness."

FanXing's hand grazed against one of the tombstone as a small tear rolled down his face. He smiled sadly and placed two single roses on the two tombstones and walked away. Every time he had come to the grave yard to see his parents FanXing couldn't help it but to cry. He could never get over his parents death like how Yao Zhan did.

FanXing got inside his car and drove back home. He walked inside the house and went upstairs. He laid on his bed and continued to cry. For two hours he laid in bed a crying mess. His parents death was just too much for him to handle. Why? Why did you leave me in this world alone?

FanXing weeps and sobs, he cried for so long he didn't even notice Guo Cheng standing in the door way. Guo Cheng's eyes soften. He walked up to FanXing and hugged him. "It's ok, they would be sad if you continued to cry like this." Guo Cheng wipes FanXing's tears away and places creases his cheek. "You have me now, don't be sad."

FanXing choked on his tears and shook his head. "They left me! Why? Why didn't they leave the fire when the door was open right for them!" He cried out loud. "Why..." FanXing sobbed for another extra thirty minutes before falling asleep in Guo Cheng's warm embrace.

"Don't cry anymore, I love you." Guo Cheng kisses FanXing's forehead before leaving again.
Current time [6:00pm]

"And dinner is served!" Yibo places the plate full of food in front of Xiao Zhan and Jianyu who's mouth waters at the delicious food. "Thank you Yibo." Jianyu said before diving in for dinner. Xiao Zhan quickly thanks Yibo and eats.

Current time [6:40pm]
"Oh god I'm stuffed." Xiao Zhan burps and laughs a little. "That was good." Jianyu laughs at Xiao Zhan, "yeah that was very good. Anyway, I have to go home now. My parents are visiting me tomorrow so I gotta head on out now!"

Yibo walks Jianyu to the door and wishes him goodbye. When Yibo arrived back at the kitchen Xiao Zhan was washing the dishes. "What are you doing? Let me wash them." Yibo pushes Xiao Zhan to the side but soon enough Xiao Zhan pushes back. "I can do the dishes. You need to rest... darling."

Yibo blushes. "Xiao Zhan! You shameless idiot!!" He weakly hits Xiao Zhan's arm and pouts.


Current time [7:30pm]
FanXing woke up to ringing tone from his phone. He moves his hand in the dark trying navigate for his phone. Finally he got his phone and answers.

"Hello..." FanXing said in a tired raspy voice. "Dage! Open the door!"

FanXing immediately shot up from bed and ran down the stairs to open the door.

"Yao Zhan?"

"FanXing! Hehe."

To be continued
Looks like Yao Zhan is back in China~

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝑏𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑢𝑠𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑑 [𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒] {mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now