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3 years ago my life changed forever. Life back then was perfect and magical. I had the perfect family, the happy family, and the best family any kid could ask for. But of course life can be cruel.

My mom and dad were so in love. I remember telling them that I wanted a relationship like theirs. But then the unexpected happened. My mom was on her way to pick me up from school and on her way over, she got into a car crash.

I still blame myself for her death because she was coming to pick me up. My brother was only four so he didn't quite understand what happened. I had to explain to him that she was in heaven, but I still don't think he quite understands. My father was grieving so he couldn't do it.

At first, my father would just drink all day and show up home late. Then, he would start screaming about how it's my fault she died. I knew he was just drunk and didn't mean it, so I didn't take it to heart. But then one day when he was sober, he hit me.

I was coming back from school, and I opened the front door. "Lucas, I'm home!", I shouted as I heard his little footsteps coming. "Sissy!" He finally made it to me and I picked him up. "How was your day bud? Did you eat today?" I knew he probably hadn't because dad never did. "Nuh uh. He gone." I didn't wanna leave him alone, but I had school. So I took him to the kitchen to make him some food.

20 minutes later we were in the living, and that's when I heard the front door open. Dad walked into the living room and I was angry so I said, "You need to stop leaving Lucas alone. He's only 3!" Dad started to walk towards me as he said, "What did you say to me? You better watch it brat." Now he had never hit me before so I thought I had no reason to be scared. "Start acting like a parent. Lucas and me lost our mom, we need our dad." I was trying my best not to yell because Lucas was still sitting on the couch. Dad walked up to me, and then he slapped me. "You killed her! It's your fault! Now watch your tone with me" he said as he walked upstairs.

I zoned out for a few minutes because I wasn't even sure what to do. But then I heard Lucas start to cry, so I went over to the couch and sat down and put him in my lap. "It's okay buddy. Sissy's here. Don't worry." I just sat there with him until he cried himself to sleep.

Ever since that day, he's been doing it everyday. It was Lucas or me, and I chose me. I needed to protect Lucas. Plus I deserved it anyway. I couldn't even ask for help because who would believe me anyway? I didn't want Lucas and me to get separated either. I only had to wait until I had enough money so we could just, getaway.

So guys this was the first chapter! Let me know what you think. If you didn't like it, please let me know how I can make it better.

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