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My first class is math. I hate to have math in the morning, but I have always been good at it. So I don't really mind. Now I have to find this class so I'm not late.

I have been walking around this school for 10 minutes and I still haven't found my class. I can't really ask anyone because I don't really wanna make any friends. I can't afford to make friends because I don't want them finding out what my father does. "Excuse me." I jump not expecting for anyone to say anything. I turn around and see a girl. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. But you seem lost. Do you need help finding your class?" I just nod and hand her my schedule. "Oh hey we have the same class together. Come on."

We walk into class and I see that the teacher has already started teaching. "You're late girls" he says as he turns around. "I was showing her the way to class. She's new" the girl says with a smile. "Oh well take your seat Lexi. Thank you for showing her around" he turns to me as Lexi sits down. "I presume you are Aurora. Would you like to introduce yourself?." I really wasn't trying to stand up there and introduce myself in front of these people so I shake my head no. Then I go take my seat in the back corner of the room.

20 minutes pass by and that's when the door to the classroom slams open as I jump in my seat. I turn towards the door and see three guys standing there. One was an Asian guy with black hair and brown eyes. One of the other guys had brown hair and these dark almost black eyes. They were both about 5'8. The last guy was the most attractive guy I had ever seen. He had these mesmerizing brown eyes that just pulled you in. He had soft dark black hair that made you wanna run your hands through it. But what captured my attention is the sleeve tattoos that ran along his arms. He looked to be about 6'0. I turned back around and looked out the window again.

The teacher finally spoke up. "Nice of you to join us boys. Take your seats please. Detention after school for you all too." One of the guys scoffed, but I'm not sure who because I didn't wanna turn around and make eye contact. I heard footsteps coming my way and then I felt someone sit next to me.

"Pssst hey" I hear a guy whisper. But I don't look over at him. "Hey I know you hear me" he whispers again. This guy really isn't gonna give up. I turn around and raise my eyebrow at him. "You must be new. What's your name?" I didn't wanna be rude so I say, "Aurora" and turn back around. "You aren't much of a talker are you? My name's Alessandro by the way." I shake my head no, hoping that he'll stop talking to me. "That's okay. I can talk for the both of us" he says with a smile. I wish I could be his friend. But I can't risk Lucas being taken from me. "Hey you two in the back, detention for both of you. No talking." What? I can't afford a detention.

The bell rings and I get up to go to my next class. "Hey wait up" Alessandro says as he gets up. I turn around and see his two friends with him. "These are my friends Matteo." Matteo nods his head. "and Lorenzo but we call him Enzo" Alessandro swings his arm around Lorenzo's shoulder. "This right here is my best buddy." Lorenzo throws Alessandro's arm off of his shoulder. "Get the fuck off me" he says with a scowl. I manage to hold my laugh in and then exit the classroom.

Finally after all my classes are over, I start my way to detention after asking the teacher where it was. I take my seat at the back and that's when all of the guys enter. Alessandro sits next to me, Matteo sits behind Alessandro, and Lorenzo sits behind me. "Detention on your first day huh?" Lorenzo says with a smirk. I scoff and say "not my fault." Alessandro places his hand on his heart like he's offended. "I would never do such a thing." I roll my eyes and turn around to stare out the window.

I can't afford this detention. I need to pick Lucas up. I hope he doesn't think I forgot about him. I hope the teacher doesn't call our father. If father finds out about this, I'm really gonna pay. Maybe everything will be okay and I'm just being paranoid. "You may all leave now." The teacher says. We all stand up and exit the building.

"Do you uh need a ride?" Lorenzo asks. I think about it for a second. Maybe it is a good idea for me to say yes because I wanna get there as quick as possible. "Sure but I need to go to the elementary school first." He nods his head and I hop in the back with Matteo.

We finally arrive at the school and I get out as I see my brother crying. I run over to him and pick him up. "I'm so so sorry buddy. I got here as fast as I could." This is all my fault. I shouldn't have gotten detention. "I-I thought you left me. L-like Mama" he says through his sniffles. That breaks my heart. "I'm here buddy. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I push his head into my neck as his sniffles die down. I turn around and see the car still there. I wave them off and they wave back as they drive off.

I make it home and take Lucas up to his room and set him down on his bed. I take off his shoes and then leave his room. He must have been exhausted from all that crying. I'm so disappointed in myself. I need to do better for him. I go to my room and stay there until I hear the front door open.

"AURORA! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I get up and head out my room to go downstairs. I hope he didn't find out I was late. I hope Lucas is still asleep. I walk over to my father and stand in front of him. "Yes sir?" I say nervously. "Why is the school telling me you got detention on your first day huh?" What? Why would they tell him that? It's literally just my first day. I wait patiently for whatever he's gonna do. He punches me in the face and I fall to the floor. He starts to kick me in my stomach over and over and over again. Until after a few minutes he stops.

"That's what you get bitch. Next time I won't be so nice." He walks upstairs and goes to his room. I try to get up, but pain shoots through my whole body and I start to cry. Why does this keep happening to me? Do I really deserve this? Is it really my fault mom died? Mom I miss you. I'm so sorry for killing you. If you can hear me mom, please help us. We need you. I can't do this anymore. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. All I wanna do is getaway from this hell.

Sorry if this is bad. I was kinda rushing because I have been a bit busy. But I wanted to get a chapter out there for y'all. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think

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