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"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" I jolt up at the sound of my father's shouts. I got up out of bed and walked downstairs to see my father with a bottle of beer and standing in the kitchen.

I walk in the kitchen as I say, "Y-Yes?" I curse myself for stuttering because that just shows him how scared I am of him. But I just can't help it. I never know what to expect from him. "Come here. Now."

I was scared to walk over to him, but I knew if I didn't it would just make things worse. So I walked over to him preparing myself for the worse. He grabs my neck and slams my head against the wall.

"You think you are so smart don't you? You wanna be a little bitch and let your teachers see your bruises. If your teachers at this new school get suspicious, I won't hesitate to do something far worse to you then you can imagine. Or maybe get that little brat of yours to finally take some beatings huh?" He starts to tighten his hold on my throat.

"I-I promise th-they won't find out again. But pl-please don't touch L-Lucas" I choke out. Lucas has never been hit by him. I always made sure to keep Lucas away from him because I knew he wouldn't hesitate to go for him. Lucas didn't deserve the beatings. I did.

"That's what I thought bitch. Now get your ass upstairs and wake up that little brat." He releases his hold on my neck as I drop to the floor. While I'm grasping for air, he slams the front door of the house, and I hear him drive off. I get up and go upstairs to the bathroom to make sure no bruises are visible.

When I get to the bathroom, I see there's fingerprint marks on my neck so I get come concealer and cover it up. After I'm done, I get my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. Then I get dressed in a white shirt, some jeans, and some white converses.

(This is what she's wearing but without the flannel)

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(This is what she's wearing but without the flannel)

I exit my room and go to Lucas's room, which is right in front of mine. I walk in and see him still peacefully sleeping. This is what makes all of this worth it. As long as he's okay and I can keep him safe, I will do this over and over again.

I walk over to his bed and try to shake him awake, "Come on bud. It's time for school" he starts to stir like he's gonna wake up but he doesn't. At first I think he's actually still asleep, but then I see him smile a little. I of course decide to hatch a plan.

"Hmm. Well I guess if you won't wake up then I'll have to... tickle you!" I start tickling him and he opens his eyes and starts to laugh as he says, "w-wait I'm awake n-now" he tries to say while laughing. I stop and just look at that big smile of his as I start to smile myself too. I wouldn't be able to get through all this without him. He's my happiness.

"Now you wanna see your awake. Get dressed bud. We have school. Do you need help getting dressed or do you got it?" I always ask him this but I know what he's gonna say every time. "No. I'm a big boy now. I can do it myself" he crosses his arms as he sits up. Like I said, I knew what he was gonna say.

"Okay well I'll be downstairs making some breakfast. Hurry up." I exit his room and make my way downstairs. I settle for making some pancakes. When I'm done, I place the plates down at the table. Just then Lucas comes down the stairs. Perfect timing.

"Oo it smells good sissy." He says while sitting down at the table. "Well thank you. If you need anymore, you let me know." He starts to eat, and after a few minutes he's done with both his pancakes. I still haven't touched mine because I wanna make sure he doesn't want more. I don't need to eat anyway. He needs it more than me. "Are you still hungry?" I only ask because I see him eyeing my pancakes. "Yes, but I want you to eat too." He says with a small smile. "Don't worry bud. I got up earlier than you so I already ate. I just made these because I knew you would want more." I didn't like to lie to him but he wouldn't eat it if he knew I hadn't ate yet.

After he finally finishes eating my pancakes too, we head out the door and start our walk to school. Our schools were only 5 minutes from each others so I was thankful for that. But it was a 20 minute walk to our school from home.

"Sissy. What happens if the kids at this school don't like me? The kids at my old school would pick on me and say that my mom isn't in heaven and I'm lying. They would say she just left me because she didn't love me. Is that true?" I turn to look at him and see him with a sad look on his face.

"Of course they will like you. Who wouldn't? If any of them pick on you, you let me know and I'll handle it okay? Those kids at your old school don't know what they are talking about. Mom didn't leave us buddy. She is in heaven. She loved you very very much. Don't let anyone tell you differently." I say as we continue walking.

We finally make it to his school and I crouch down and say, "Remember what I said okay? I'm sure they will love you. If anything happens today, you let me know and your big sister will come to your rescue."

"Sissy?" He says with a huge smile on his face. "Yes buddy?" I reciprocate his huge smile. He puts his arms around my neck and what he says next makes my heart burst. "I love you. I'm glad I have you as my sissy. I couldn't ask for a better one." I wrap my arms around him as I start to tear up. I have always been worried that I was a bad sister, so to hear him say this makes me feel a whole different type of happiness.

"I love you too buddy. I'm glad to have you as my little brother." I kiss his cheek and we break away from the hug. "Have a good day at school and make lots of friends." I don't want him to be like me and be a loner at school who just sits by herself all the time and doesn't talk to anyone. "I will. Bye love you!" He runs off towards his school and walks in. I really hope he never loses that happiness he has. Not like me. I won't let that happen.

I walk into the entrance of my school, and go to the office lady. "Hello dear. How can I help you?" The office lady looks up at me waiting for me to respond. "Um I was just wondering if I could get my schedule for my class. I'm new here." She starts typing on her computer and looks up and asks, "Are you Aurora Knight?" God I hated to be reminded of my last name. It just reminded me that my father and me have something in common. "Yes that's me." She hands me a paper with my schedule and I walk out of the office, and start my way to my first class.

Here's the first chapter! I hope you guys liked it. This chapter was to kind of let you know how close Aurora and her little brother are. Next chapter Aurora will be meeting the love interest don't worry.

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