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I don't even know how long I have been laying on the floor. Every time I try to sit up, I fall back to the floor because the pain is too much. I can't even get up. He has never been this angry before. I mean he usually hits me and walks away. But this time he just continued.

I was too busy with my thoughts, so I didn't even realize Lucas was coming. He runs up to me and sits on the floor next to me. "Sissy are you okay? I-I'm sorry. I-I'm so weak. I couldn't even s-stop him from hurting y-you" he manages to say through his crying.

I manage to sit up and wrap him in my arms. Th pain is unbearable, but I would take this pain any day if it meant comforting my brother. He doesn't deserve any of this. "Hey it's okay buddy. I'm okay see? Look at me." He pulls his head from my neck and looks at me.

"You are not weak. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself. You are the bravest boy I know. I'm so lucky to have an amazing brother like you okay?" He nods his head yes. I put his head in my neck again and his crying starts to die down after a few minutes. "Hey how about we go to the park? I seen that there was one close by." I would do anything to make sure he's happy.

"But will you be okay?" He asks me with worried eyes.

"Yes I will be okay. I promise." I mean it's not a lie. I will be okay, but it will just a hurt a lot. I can handle it though. He's more important.

"Okay sissy. Then I wanna go." He says this with the biggest smile on his face. This is what makes it all worth it. This is what keeps me going. Him. He's my everything. No one else matters.

"Okay go get dressed" I say with a smile. A real smile. He's the only one who could ever make me smile and mean it. He runs up the stairs and goes to his room. I slowly stand up feeling the pain rush to me. I manage to get up and I make my way to the stairs. I slowly go up the stairs, but decide to just rush up.

I make it to the top of the stairs and I go in my room to get dressed. I take off my shirt and look in the mirror. There are bruises scattered everywhere. They have never looked this bad before. I have bruises all over my stomach and back. I throw on a random shirt and some jeans because we are just going to the park. I don't expect to see anyone. I make my way to the bathroom and decide to take some painkillers. I hope this helps.

30 minutes later, we are out of the house and making our way to the park. It's only 15 minutes away. But each step feels like an eternity. My ribs are killing me. It hurts so bad, but I have to push through. He was so excited to go to the park. "Are you okay?" He asks me with a sad look on his face.

"Yes I'm fine. Let's just get to the park so you can have some fun." I say with a smile. But I'm not even sure if I will be fine.

We finally make it to the park and I see a three year old girl on the swings. I remember when I used to be that young. My dad used to always push me on the swings and laugh when I would tell him he's pushing me too high. I smile at the memory. But why is this girl here all by herself? I'm sure her parents are around.

"Why is that girl all by herself? Does she need someone to play with?" He asks me.

"I'm not sure bud. How about we go ask her?" I mean she does look lonely and I'm wondering if there's anyone around watching her.

We walk up to the girl and she looks up at us. "Twanger. I cwant twlk to you. Lolo swys that bwad." She's so cute. But who is this Lolo? I look around but I don't see anyone.

"Do you wanna play with me?" Lucas asks with a smile.

"Ywes!" She says excitedly. Lucas goes up behind her swing and starts pushing her. I walk away and sit on the bench not faraway from them. I'll just keep an eye on them both and wait for whoever this Lolo is to come.

"Hey! Why the fuck are you touching her?! Who the fuck are you kid!?" I hear someone shout. I look up and see a girl screaming at Lucas as she picks the girl up. I get up and make my way over there as Lucas starts to answer.

"I-I" he starts to say. Lucas is a very shy kid and doesn't really know how to handle confrontation. "I-I you what?!" The girl says. Alright see that's it. She's messing with the wrong one.

"Hey is that really necessary? He's just a kid. Don't talk to him like that." I pick Lucas up and grimace as I feel the sharp pain. I forgot about the pain for just a second. I forgot how big Lucas is now. But at the moment, I don't care because he needs me.

"Well-" she starts to say. But a deep voice behind me interrupts her. "Lexi what the fuck did I tell you? Stop picking my sister up when I never asked you to do this." I turn around and see Lorenzo from school. He strolls pass me and takes his sister from this Lexi girl. He whispers something in her ear that seems to scare her because she wides her eyes and then walks off.

"I-I didn't mean to. I just seen she n-needed someone t-to play with. P-Please don't h-hurt me." Hearing this from my brother makes me wanna cry. I never truly knew how much this was impacting him. I really need to get him away from all this.

"No one is hurting anyone. I'm sorry she spoke to you like that. She wasn't even suppose to be here. You can play with her anytime you want okay? Ignore her" Lorenzo says with a smile.

Lucas takes his head away from my neck and looks at Lorenzo with hopeful eyes. "R-really?" He says with excitement.

"Really" Lorenzo says calmly. He sets his sister down. He bends down to her level and says "how about you go play with him huh?" his sister smiles so big and nods her head yes. So he's good with kids it seems.

Lucas and Lorenzo's sister runs off to play. Lorenzo turns to me. "I'm really sorry about her. She shouldn't have talked to your brother like that. I don't even know what she was thinking" he shakes his head.

"It's fine" I say calmly. I'm not really much of a talker so I'm not sure what to say.

"Wait a second. You're that new girl from class today right?" He quirks his eyebrow. Is this a bad time to say that was hot? Yes. Yes it is.

"Yea." I can't believe he actually remembered me. It didn't seem like he was paying much attention to me.

"Hmm. Aurora right?" I nod my head yes. "Well we are gonna be here for awhile. So how about getting to know each other? What do you say?" Damnit. I'm starting to regret coming to this park now.

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