3. Do not betray the mafia king.

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Hovering over her as she slept, I studied her closely; She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin and her hand was placed neatly beneath her oval face. She must be a native, I thought to myself. Because her beauty was deeply mesmerizing. Her crescent-shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as she slept.

I knew her mind was conflicted at this moment. Probably going through the phase of her father's betrayal all over again. Her delicate ears framed a pointed nose and her languid eyelashes of Velvet-black were tightly closed. It was a pleasure to see her flowing, midnight-black hair crashing over her shoulders. And to compliment all her pretty features, she had smooth white porcelain skin.

Indeed, she was the epitome of beauty and perfection. Worthy of every dime I spent to acquire her and a part of me was somewhat delighted my money didn't go to waste. Now, she would be mine and mine alone. I would use her mainly, to satisfy my boredom. Plus, I could not wait for her to regain consciousness.

It'd been two days now, dammit!

The betrayal from her father must have hit her very hard because she passed out soon after he left. Well, I couldn't blame her. She was still a young, charming, and naive girl who haven't gotten accustomed to the reality of life.

In life, anyone can betray you. Plus, the painful part of it, is that- betrayal hardly comes from someone far or distant from you, it's perpetrated from within- Perhaps by; your clique of friends, best friends, and worst of all, your dearest families.

I'd reserve my story for another day.

Placing my hand on her forehead, I observed her temperature. I felt somewhat relieved that she was no longer burning and her fever had subsided. All of a sudden, someone knocked twice, interrupting me from my thoughts.

Hardening my jaw, I stood to my feet.


Immediately, the door opened, revealing my right-hand man, Romano. May I add that we have known each other for years, since our childhood days way back in Italy? He had been my best friend and most trusted accomplice. But still, he accorded me my deserving respect.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Boss."

"Go ahead. "

"We have captured Carmelo and Pablo."

I clenched my fist and bit my lower lip. "Those damn bastards!" I sneered.

I walked towards him and pat his shoulder softly. "Good job, RM. Now, get my persecution box. I'm going to teach those bastards, not to ever betray me in their next life!" I declared between gritted teeth.

Pulling off my black button-down jacket to replace it with my black cloak, I readjusted the collar and turned around to grab the gloves I would use to torture them.

Furthermore, I opened my closet and picked up a pistol that caught my attention amid the battery of guns in my wardrobe.

Those motherfuckers were going to get what was coming to them.

Thereafter, I walked out of the room with Romano following right behind me.

I trudged down the stairs to the dungeon in pure anger and hatred for them.

How could they?

Pablo absconded with my money after I ordered him to deposit it at the bank. A whooping sum of two million dollars!
While Carmelo decided to dine with the devil and snitched on me. He had been divulging all the useful information he could get from my daily activities to my fucking nemesis, Ramos.

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