35. A Moment Of Peace

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Lowering my head, I was trembling like a wet leaf as those men swaggered toward my direction. The sound of my heart racing faster echoed in my ears, and all I wanted at this minute, was to vanish into thin air and never resurface again.

Why couldn't I get a moment of peace since I escaped? I asked myself.

But then, the five of them sauntered past me and occupied the next table beside us.

"Hey waiter, come and take our order!" One of them commanded in an authoritative tone.

I didn't know that I was still shuddering until Noel took my hand in his. “You are fidgeting, Janie. You don't seem comfortable. Is it because of these men?" He mouthed.

Matter of fact, he was right. I didn't feel comfortable, not a bit.

Nodding my head in response, I shakily stole a quick glimpse at them as each of them announced their order to the waiter.

“Well, if you aren't comfortable, we are leaving right now." Noel rose to his feet. Latching his hand around my wrist, he pulled me up and prompted me to follow him. And I did, unresisting.

Noel turned once more to look at those men before hastening his pace. Then, we got into the truck and sped off.

“You must be so traumatized by whatever your captor did to you, seeing your reaction earlier." He pointed out, but I swallowed hard, not wanting to talk about my ordeal with Luciano.

Taking my silence as a cue to dismiss the topic, Noel cleared his throat and then asked instead. “What's your favorite movie, Janie."

By now, I'd managed to catch my breath and my fears had dissipated into oblivion, so I proceeded to answer his question. “I don't have a favorite. However, I'd say Korean dramas, plus, I loved anything that had to do with gory scenes. In the likes of The Walking Dead, the invitation and a quiet place."

Casting me a sideway glance, Noel smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, and I was forced to ask.


"Well." He dragged. “I didn't picture you as a lover of horror. Perhaps a princess and the pauper..... Barbie kind of thingy."

A snorted laugh escaped my throat. “Oh trust me, I was once a fan of Barbie, Cinderella, and Little Mermaid. But then, I went to visit a friend back in high school. Not my friend actually, but this rich pricey daughter of a business mogul, so I'd help her do her assignment in return for some tip. When I got there that fateful evening, she was watching The Walking Dead. I liked it and started watching it with her.  That was how my love for gory movies started until I saw one in real life." I informed him, swallowing down the hard lump forming in my throat.

"In real life?" Noel asked in shock. “Are you saying those bastards have killed someone in front of you before?"

Hesitating for a second, I nodded my head in response. “I saw him cut off a man's limb once and it was horrifying. Anytime, I close my eyes, it always haunts me and most times I try to just imagine it as those horror movies I've seen. I'd reassure myself countless times that it wasn't real, even when I was damn sure of it."

"Sick bastards!" Noel spat. “What kind of psychos are they?"

"Please can we not talk about them anymore?" I implored as a pit of profound disgust pitched in my stomach.

“Of course." Noel spared me a glance from the steering wheel. “But are you okay though?"

"Yes— yes, I'm fine." I nodded. “So what's your favorite movie?"

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