Chapter 19: Washed Up

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Luke kneeled there for a while, in silence, staring down at Marshall. He passed away mere minutes ago, his body was barely showing signs of death. The engineer was lying against the wall, his left hand resting in his lap, the right one laid beside him, there was a relaxed expression on his face.

Luke wiped the tears from his eyes, and slowly rose to his feet. His eyes shifted away from Marshall, and he stumbled out of the room. 

The others had gathered behind the ship, and were waiting eagerly, as Luke walked down the ramp.

''Oh my God!'' Daiyu gasped, noticing his shirt was streaked with blood. ''Are you hurt!?''

''He's dead.'' Luke spoke. ''Marshall is dead.''

His words were met with silence. He glared at the others, and could see the defeat in their eyes. 

''Fuck!'' Ash cursed after a while. ''That is just fucking great! It was all for nothing!''

''Just save it.'' The Captain said to Ash, and turned his attention to Luke.

''Son,'' he asked calmly, ''are you hurt? Were you shot?''

Luke shook his head. ''I'm fine.'' he muttered.

The captain looked him in the eyes. ''Where is Marshall?'' he finally asked, with hesitation in his voice.

''At the end of the corridor.'' Luke said.

''It is best if we get him out of there.'' the captain said. ''Ash, David, you - ''

''No.'' Luke interrupted him. ''I'll go inside.'' he said.

''It is all right, Luke.'' the captain said. ''You don't have to. We can take it from here.''

''I promised myself I would get him out of there.'' Luke said. ''I want to do it.''

The captain nodded. ''If this what you want.'' he said. 

Luke and Ash went aboard the Rover again, and entered the compartment. Ash cursed under his breath when he saw Marshall's dead body.

''I'm glad we killed those fucking bastards.'' Ash growled. He took notice of Dixon, who was laying motionless near the door. 

''What the fuck happened to him?'' he asked Luke, while glaring at the man's head. His face had been beaten badly, it had swollen, and was covered in blood. 

''I'm not sure, Marshall must have hit him with that.'' Luke said, and nodded his head at the wrench laying on the floor.

''He must have put up one hell of a fight.'' Ash said, in admiration.

The first mate was inspecting Dixon's body, when he noticed the man's chest slightly moving.

''Fuck! He's breathing!'' he shouted. ''This one's alive!''

 ''Leave him.'' Luke grunted. ''He killed Marshall.''

''I don't know, man.'' Ash said. ''What if we need him?'' 

''What would we need that bastard for?''

''I'm just saying,'' Ash shrugged, ''maybe he can give us some information.''

''Just leave him,'' Luke repeated, ''let him suffer. We never took prisoners.''

''No,'' Ash said, ''I'm taking this guy to Hamilton. Could you give me a hand?''

Luke sighed, and walked over to Ash. In complete calm, he pulled out his revolver and shot Dixon in the head.

''We never took prisoners.'' he spoke to a disgruntled Ash, and eased his weapon back into its holster.

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