Chapter 20: Nowhere To Run

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''Well, Lieutenant Commander, it seems you and your crew are about to be cut loose.''

Mathilda Russell looked up from the desk, and watched as Commodore Sergei Grischenkov entered his office. She had been aboard the Union interceptor Teryoshin for two hours now. She was subjected to questioning by the Commodore, before he had to leave when an unknown person contacted him.

''Excuse me?'' she asked.

''I just received word from my superior.'' Grischenkov said. ''You are no longer being detained.''

''What?'' she said. ''You're done with me?''

''I believe when you say you've told me everything you know.'' Grischenkov replied. ''Besides, all the information we need are in your folders.''

''That's it?'' Russell glared at him in disbelief. ''I can just walk out of here?''

Grischenkov nodded with a smile. ''Your sidearm will be returned to you, and you'll be escorted back to your vessel. It's best if you make haste, we are detaching in thirty minutes.''

The Lieutenant Commander finished her cup of coffee, and got up from her chair. She was confused about the situation, but nonetheless pleased that she could finally leave the Union interceptor.

She was about to leave Grischenkov's office, when he gestured her to stop. He reached out his hand, and she reluctantly shook it.

''I wish to thank you for cooperating, Lieutenant Commander.'' the Commodore said. 

''My pleasure.'' she grunted. ''Best of luck with your investigation.''

After exchanging salutes, she wandered to the door, where she was met by Lieutenant Yuen and a guard. The two men proceeded to escort her back to the Servant's messroom, where Russell's crew were anxiously waiting for her return.

''All right men, return to the Teryoshin. Let's get a move on.'' Lieutenant Yuen said to the men who were guarding the Servant's crew.

''Yes, sir.'' The guards said in unison, and did as he ordered. 

Lieutenant Yuen turned to the Lieutenant Commander. ''Farewell, Lieutenant Commander Russell.'' he said, and gave her a salute.

Russell returned the salute, and watched as the Union personnel left her ship.

''I am confused.'' Lieutenant Miller said after a while. ''Are they letting us go?''

''Yes, apparently they got what they needed.'' Russell sighed. ''We're leaving.''

''What about the mission?'' Miller asked.

''Hell,'' Russell laughed grimly, ''it's their mission now. We don't have to worry about that.''

''Headquarters won't be pleased.'' Miller remarked.

''To be perfectly honest, I don't give a damn.'' Russell said. ''If they have a problem, they can take it up with the Union. I did as I was ordered.''

The Lieutenant Commander turned her attention to the engineers. ''We're leaving for Apollo in twenty minutes. I want the engines up and running by the time we detach.''

The two men nodded in response, and hurried to the engine room.

Twenty minutes later, a single vibration traveled through the ship as the Teryoshin's docking clamps detached from the Servant's hull, and the ships started to drift away from each other. When sufficient distance between the two vessels had been reached, the Servant increased thrust. She swiftly gained speed, and the ship left orbit.

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