Chapter 7: Traitor Among Us

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Luke slowly opened his eyes, this time not being woken up by someone else. He got out of hammock, and stretched his arms. He finally had a good night sleep, so he was in a good mood that morning. He also had a calm day ahead of him, he just had to keep watch on the bridge in the afternoon. He noticed the door of his bunk being open, and he assumed Marshall didn't close it that morning before he went to the engine room. 

He didn't think much of it, and grabbed his clothes from the ground. After he dressed, he reached for his revolver. But suddenly he realized it was gone, it wasn't laying on his bag. He looked around confused, but it was nowhere to be found. He also noticed that the zipper of bag wasn't closed all the way, and he began to panic. 

''Fuck!'' He shouted, when he opened his bag, and discovered his money was gone. He was furious, and he quickly made his mind up about what to do. There was only person on the ship that could help him: the captain. 

''When will we reach the inner rims of the belt, Ash?'' The captain asked the first mate, while looking outside of the bridge. As they got closer to the Kaku belt, it became denser and denser with chunks of ice floating around the ship. ''About six hours, sir.'' Ash answered.

''Have you picked up any big ones yet?'' The captain asked.

''No, sir. If there are, we're too far away to pick them up.''

The door of the bridge slammed open, and Luke came running in. His face was red and sweaty. ''Captain!'' He panted. Captain Hamilton raised his eyebrow. ''Luke! What's the matter?''

''Someone broke into my bunk! They stole my gun and money!''

''What!? How much money?'' The captain asked.

''About 10 000 credits.''

''Damnit!'' The captain said, he was furious. ''Not again!'' He yanked the handheld radio from its holder, and hold it front of his face. ''Everyone report to the mess. Now!'' 


The crew of the Space Shepherd gathered in the mess room, wondering why the captain wanted them here. They could clearly hear the rage in his voice, so there had to be something going on. There was alot of talking and noise, until a fist slammed three times on the table. The pirates turned their heads, and saw the captain, and the first and second mate standing in front of the crowd.

''Gentlemen.'' The captain's voice roared through the room. ''There is a traitor amongst us.'' There was whispering, but it quickly was quiet again. ''This morning, the second mate, Brooke, woke up to find his money and gun missing.'' The captain paused for a moment. ''If the thief steps forward now, he will not be punished as severly.''

It remained quiet in the mess room, all they could hear was a buzzing sound from the galley. The pirates knew damn well that the captain was lying, it was just an empty promise designed to lure the thief. From the back they could suddenly hear screams. ''No! Let me go! I never did anything!'' 

Luke curiously climbed on a table, and looked at where the noise was coming from. He saw two larger crewmembers dragging a greenhorn in between them. Luke immediately recognized him as the same boy that wouldn't greet him and was looking at him with those strange eyes the day before. 

''Captain! Look what he was trying to hide!'' One of the guys shouted that was holding the boy, while holding up Luke's revolver. The captain walked over to him, and Luke followed him. The old man kneeled down, and reached in one of the boy's pocket. He pulled out a brown sack, and turned to Luke. ''Is this yours?'' He asked, and Luke nodded. He took it from the hand of the captain, after receiving his gun. 

The captain looked at the boy, but didn't say anything. ''Why, Andy?'' He asked, shaking his head ''It isn't fair! He gets paid almost twice as much!'' Andy yelled. ''And what the hell does he even do? Just bossing people around!''

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