Chapter 3: A Pirate's Life

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Three weeks had passed since Luke and Marshall became part of the crew of the Space Shepherd. Luke became a deckhand, this meant he had to do chores like mopping the floor, catching rodents, occassionally helping in the galley, and a few times he even had to clean and repair weapons. His job wasn't very hard or exciting, but he knew that one day they would come across another ship, and he knew that he had to be ready to attack. In the beginning the rest of crew often mocked Luke for being a rookie, but over the weeks he earned their respect. Considering his former job, it wasn't suprising that Marshall ended up as the mechanic of the Space Shepherd. The rats and mice that roamed the ship often chewed on the wiring, so it was a constant challenge to maintain the aging vessel. Like on the Stellar Conveyor, Luke often visited Marshall and helped him out in the engine room. The mechanic probably had the most frustrating and challenging job on the ship, but Marshall didn't seem to mind it very much.

''Rise and shine, lads!'' Luke almost fell out of his hammock when the yells of the first mate Foley woke him up. ''Everyone report to the mess room!'' He yawned and rubbed his eyes, it felt if they were being woken up earlier this morning then usual. He got out of his bed, and walked towards his bag that he managed to fetch when they left the freighter. Luke grabbed some clothing, and noticed Marshall sitting in his hammock. ''Good morning.'' He greeted the mechanic.

''Morning, kid.''

Foley walked into their bunk. ''Marshall, the captain wants you in the engine room. Now.''

''Why the haste?'' Marshall asked. 

''We're in pursuit of a local trading vessel. Hamilton wants to make sure we keep gaining on them.'' Marshall nodded, he quickly put on his shirt and disappeared into the hallway. Foley then turned to Luke, who was standing in his underwear.

''Goddamnit Brooke, could you hurry up? We don't have all fucking day!''

''Yeah, I know! I just woke up, all right?'' Luke yelled back.

The first mate rolled his eyes, and walked out of the bunk. ''Always the same story with these rich kids, thinking a pirate ship is a damn cruiseliner.'' Foley said to himself.

Luke didn't respond. His parents weren't even rich, one of the reasons they send him along with a freighter. But to Foley it seemed anyone that came on the Space Shepherd who wasn't a criminal, just had to be a rich whiner. Luke was told by the captain that Foley was, like most crewmembers, born in the zone. Even the poorest of the poor in the Federation aswell as the Union, would never experience poverty quite like it was in the zone. Because of being born poor, and being drawn to crime on a very young age, Foley had a grudge against anyone who was more fortunate than him. 

Luke thought about his parents again. It came to his mind that it was many months ago when he last talked to them. They probably thought he was dead,or they got told that he was safe and sound at the military academy. And what about his younger sister Katie? When he left, she couldn't stop crying. He promised her that he would be back within a few years, and that he would write her every month. Luke remembered what Marshall said two weeks ago, that they probably never would return to the Federation. It was a sad thought that he would never see his family again, but he had no choice to accept his fate.

Luke then realized he was still standing in his underwear, he quickly put on his clothes before Foley would return and started yelling at him again. After he was done, he followed the rest of the pirates to the mess room. The captain stood on a table, but Foley was no where to be found. Probably on the bridge. Luke thought. Captain Hamilton started speaking. ''All right, boys. I know it has been many weeks since our last raid...'' He paused for a moment, and a wide smile appeared on his face. ''But today, that is going to change. We spotted a ship not too long ago, a local trader.'' The crew cheered. ''So, what are you waiting for? You know the drill! Make me proud, lads!''

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