Chapter 11: The Dead Moon

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The sun was setting over the shrubland landscape, slowly but surely disappearing behind the low hills. In the shade of a rocky outcrop stood the PSNV Zaschitnikov, her white shape had an orange hue in the fading sunlight. Adjacent to the interceptor stood another ship, it was smaller and bulkier, bearing the name Sentinel.

Commodore  Ivan Dahler stood in front of his ship, facing the crew of the Sentinel. They were eight men, the majority of them were armed with assault rifles. Their leader was a tall, slightly fat man with a thick moustache and long hair. The man seemed old, you could notice the many wrinkles in his face.

Between Dahler and the men of the Sentinel a tractor was parked. The vehicle was connected to a trailer, on top if lay a long object, about six meters in length, and covered with a canvas sheet. 

''Once again, I must thank you for coming on such a short notice, Captain Reed.'' 

''Yeah, whatever.'' The captain of the Sentinel snorted. ''I rarely do business with you Union folk, not to be trusted. But since you are actually willing to pay to price, I made an exception.''

Dahler smirked. ''You won't regret this, believe me.''

''Let's get this over with.'' The captain responded. ''Where's my money?''

''Of course.'' Dahler raised the briefcase he was carrying, and opened the locks. ''850 000 credits. You can count it, if you feel the need.''

Captain Reed frowned. ''850 grand? I thought the deal was 900?''

''We agreed to this price on the phone, captain.'' Dahler retorted. ''And we also agreed to avoid any trouble.''

''I don't know about any agreements. 850 grand seems low.''

''Don't swindle me, I know what product I'm buying. I am already paying 38 grand more than the actual price.'' Dahler responded. ''I am not the person you want to fuck around with, Reed.''

''Is that a threat?''

''Take it as cautionary advice.''

Captain Reed started laughing. ''I ain't stupid! I know that you Union folk don't have any jurisdiction here. This is the zone, mister Dahmer. Or whatever your damn name is.''

Dahler pointed to the object on the trailer. ''Do you know what that is?''

Captain Reed snorted. ''Of course I do. Else I wouldn't be selling the damn thing, now would I?''

''That is a Mark 98 torpedo. That warhead is packed with 200 kilograms of highly explosive material. That thing can rip a ship in half.'' Dahler said. ''And I very much doubt you acquired this weapon legally.''

''What's your point?'' The captain of the Sentinel sneered.

''My point?'' A smirk appeared on the Commodore's face. ''My point is that you're not only in posession of goods that you stole from the Union, but that property also happens to be an extremely dangerous weapon.''

The captain grunted, and Dahler continued.

''One call, Reed. One call to my superiors at Fleet Command, and you'll be looking at a sentence of thirty years.''

''You'll be in hot water as well, Commodore.'' Reed said. ''You're the one trying to buy illegal explosives.''

''Perhaps.'' Dahler admitted. ''But who do you think will be considered more believable? A respectable and high-ranking officer in the Union fleet, or some lowlife arms dealer?''

''Fucking reds. You're all the same!'' Captain Reed hissed in anger. ''Why are you buying a torpedo from me, anyway? Can't you get one from your buddies in the Union fleet?''

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