Author's Note

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A few things before we get started (yes this is gonna be basically copy and paste from book 1)

1. I put it in the description, but this is just for fun. I have zero plan except for a baseline, so expect plot holes and things that just plain don't make sense. I'll also add its been a year since I read THG, so do with that what you will.

2. As you probably know, I am inconsistent as fuck and have to go to school so don't expect a regular publishing schedule

3. I swear in this story, and have gory shit, but there is not anything sexual besides some kissing so here's your warning.

4. Sometimes there will be an authors note at the end of the chapter, sometimes not

5. All rights go to Rick Riordan and Suzanne Collins

6. Cover's not mine, I googled it.

7. I'm fourteen. Don't expect a masterpiece and nothing inappropriate in the comments.

8. Don't critique me unless you know me IRL. If you do know me, PLEASE critique me

9. This will be a multi-book series. I have no idea how long it will be but I know that Divergent, Teen Wolf, and Harry Potter will be involved at least, plus I've already done The Maze Runner. You can still read this if you have not read all of those books. You can skip the ones you haven't read and go to the next in the series. I will do a catch-up in the author's note chapter of each sequel without spoiling.


They were in The Maze Runner. Basically, Annabeth found this weird symbol on her book. It started glowing and then she, Percy, Leo, Calypso, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Reyna, Piper, Jason, Nico, Will, and Kayla got sucked into TMR. There they went through the series, got tattoos on their necks (but not Thalia and Reyna), and Calypso ended up dying, shooting herself in front of Leo to save herself from a worse fate. 

All of their memories (again, except for Thalia and Reyna) got wiped, but Annabeth, Nico, Kayla, Hazel, and Frank got their memories back. The others were told by Reyna about their past lives, so they understand what's going on, even if they don't remember it.

The demigod couples could all speak to each other (once again, not Theyna, though that couple will happen) telepathically, but they were told by a WICKED employee that the surgery that gave them their memories back removed that ability.

I believe that's it. If you skipped book one and I say something you don't understand, just ask and I'll explain it the best I can without spoilers (unless you don't care).

This is book two.



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