Congratulations! You Won a Free Trip to Your Death!

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When I wake up, I have the biggest headache. I turn in bed and groan, putting one hand to my forehead as if hoping that will fix it. Right away, I know what caused it.

Everything here feels normal, which is so unlike it was in the Maze. There, I had no idea what was happening. Here, I immediately know where I am, who I am, what's going on today.

I have the fake memories that Reyna and Thalia talked out. The ones that WICKED blocked in the other world. I still remember everything up to when I woke up in the Box, and still, sadly, nothing before that. Now, however, I remember more. And I know that the sudden addition of memories from this reality is what is causing my giant migraine.

Sitting up, I look around and try to gather my bearings. I'm in a bedroom. It's small, with two beds. The other is unoccupied, but I know that usually my mother sleeps there. It makes sense that she is up early. Today is the Reaping.

My stomach clenches at the thought. There's no doubt in my mind that I will be chosen as the boy tribute for District 4. The Games are the main point of the books - I don't need to have read them to know that. And if I am here, as a district citizen, I'm going to be reaped.

"Percy!" My mom calls from the other room. "You need to get up."

I groan and stand up, going into the main room. Sure enough, my mom is standing at the small kitchen, cooking something that smells amazing. It's not really her, just this reality's version. She looks exactly like mom, though, and she's real in this reality.

"Eat quickly and get dressed," my mom says, placing a plate on the table. "The event's in an hour."

I notice that she doesn't say the reaping. District 4 is one of the more pro-capitol wealthy districts, but Mom is one of the few people here who didn't see the Games as some big honor. Not since her husband, (this reality's version of my dad, who of course couldn't be a god) got reaped and killed in the Games. I can see the worry in her eyes, so I give her a reassuring smile before starting to eat.

A half-hour later, I'm walking to the square, tugging uncomfortably at my suit collar. Everyone dresses up for the Reaping, and unfortunately, my mom won't let me be an exception. So now I'm in the most uncomfortable suit ever, and it's way too hot with the stifling sun beating down on my back. When we pass the beach that stretches across the entire south side of the district, I smile slightly at the cool breeze. There are advantages to being in the fishing district, for sure.

Finally, we reach the square, where they hold the Reaping. The place is surrounded by shops, but none of them are open. Nobody works today. If it weren't for the sending two kids to their deaths part, you could consider it a holiday.

People file in silently and sign in. The twelve- through eighteen-year-olds are herded into roped areas marked off by ages, the oldest to the front, the young ones to the back. Family members line up around the perimeter, holding to one another's hands. I spot my mom in the crowd, holding tightly to the rope that separates them from the kids.

I carefully scan the place, looking for familiar faces, but can't find any of the other demigods (and Rachel). I know where some of them are from my fake memories - Annabeth's in District 12, as a victor. She won the Hunger Games two years ago, one of only three to do so in that district. Thalia, Jason, Clarisse, and Reyna are also victors, Thalia and Jason from District 5 and the others from 2. But I have no idea where the others are.

The space gets tighter as people arrive. The square's quite large, but not enough to hold the district's population of about eleven thousand. Latecomers crowd into the surrounding streets, where they can watch the event on screens as it's televised live by the state.

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