I Love You So Much

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Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki are walking in the park of their campus, breathing fresh air on their break time.

"So you mean to tell us, that he sang that song for you to go to sleep, and you think it's a sign that he likes you?" Sunoo summarizes.

"He wouldn't just sing a song unless it has a meaning to it." Niki says.

They both nod. Heeseung sings with the right meaning for a scenario. He wouldn't have sung that song unless..

"What if he does like you?" Jungwon speaks up.

"I mean, I could totally see it." Sunoo adds.

"If that's what it is then,

help me plan out my confession for him."

~ timeskip ~

"I'm nervous! Do you think he likes me? What if he doesn't? What if I'm just overthinking? What if he rejects me? What if-" Niki panics until Sunoo grabs his shoulders.

"Look at me. You are gonna go out there and you are gonna get that man if it's the last thing you do!" Sunoo shouts at him.

"We're sure he'll like you back, Ki. We're planning to eat at a restaurant to celebrate." Jungwon adds with his arms crossed.

Niki just nods and walks to Heeseung.

"I'm so proud of my bestie, he's growing so much, so fast. I might cry." Sunoo says dramatically while 'wiping a tear'.

"He really is growing up so fast, I'm proud of that boy." Jungwon puts his arm around Sunoo's shoulder and rubs it.

"We should leave them alone, let them have privacy." Jungwon suggests.

Sunoo nods and they walk away.

"What is it that you want to tell me, Iki?" Heeseung softly asks.

"Um.." Niki hums.

"I've been meaning to tell you that.."


"Like you."

Heeseung's eyes widen at the words of the younger.

"You know the night you sang me a song to sleep?" Niki asks.

"When I sang you off my face? Yeah, I remember. Why?" Heeseung responds.

Then it hit him.




He noticed.

"I thought it was a sign that you liked me, based on the meaning of the song. So, I also thought that I should confess to you because I thought you.. like me?" Niki thinks he's going insane at this point.

Heeseung smiles. Guess he's not that oblivious as he thought.

Niki's heart suddenly beats at a rapid pace when he noticed his smile. Nervous, but at the same time, he's still very charming.

"Guess you're not really that oblivious after all, duckling." Heeseung says softly, while caressing his cheek.

"I sang that song because I wanted you to notice that I like you. So, you know me well enough to notice that I was giving you a sign that I like you." Heeseung says, impressed.

"Wait, you need to comfirm first. You like me or.." Niki says unsurely.

Heeseung laughs softly.

"Yes, baby. I like you too." Heeseung comfirms.

"B-.." Niki stutters at what he just said.

"You're really cute, baby. I could never resist you." Heeseung admits.

"So, will you be my boyfriend, Iki?" Heeseung suddenly asks.


Niki takes a moment and breathes, letting this moment sink in him.

"Y-yes." Niki stutters.

Heeseung engages a soft kiss on the lips. Niki was shocked by the action, but kissed back quickly after.

"I love you so much, duckling." Heeseung kisses Niki's forehead.

"I love you too, my heeling." Niki smiles.

~ timeskip ~

Sunoo, Jungwon and Niki gather up at the park, walking while Niki tells them everything.


"Calm your voice down, uno." Jungwon says jokingly.

"But seriously, we are so proud of you." Jungwon says with a smile.

"And, guess what? We kissed!" Niki squeals.

Sunoo still freaking out, freaks out even more. While Jungwon now joins the two.

"He engaged the kiss! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Niki adds.

Sunoo and Jungwon gets even more excited.

"Celebration today, my treat!" Sunoo suggests.

Niki and Jungwon nod.

"Oh and you guys know he's friends with Jay and Sunghoon right?" Niki asks.

"I see where you're going with this, and I don't know if I like it or not." Sunoo responds.

"Me too. I don't know how I should react." Jungwon adds.

"Well, what if I told you that I got you guys dates? Different dates you know. It's better for you two to see each other's dates." Niki explains.

"Sunoo goes first, then Jungwon." Niki adds.

"Sounds great, but let's celebrate first. Of course still my treat." Sunoo says.

"And I'll treat you both in return." Niki interrupts.

Sunoo and Jungwon hum with agreement.

~ timeskip ~

Heeseung and Niki are in their rooms, preparing for bed.

"So, you're sleeping with me from now on?" Niki asks.

"Mhm." Heeseung hums with a smile.

Heeseung then goes to bed beside him and cuddles Niki.

"Goodnight, my baby duckling. I love you so much." Heeseung gives Niki a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, my heeling." Niki goes closer and hugs him tighter.

They both sleep peacefully in their first night as boyfriends.

literally me when 😀👍 HAHAHAHAHAH

this is a continuation of the last chapter, so read a heeling voice to know the context!

remember when i said my oneshots are gonna be based off of a prompt generator? this and the previous chapter are my own ideas! so not all chapters are gonna be based on the prompt generator.

when you don't see warnings in two continuous (?) chapters , that means it's connected to each other!

y'all want me to write a oneshot of sunsun and jaywon date? let me knoww!

see you next chapter!

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