bffs, just that.

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!! The oneshots in this book are not connected or associated with each other and are seperate timelines and storylines. Please don't get confused by this. !!

// tw: mentions of suicide, death, backstabbing, traitors, and k!//!ng. //

author's note: this may be the most boring one yet, so skip to the end if you want to read the characters talk to each other. i appreciate if you read the whole thing, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

¹ there are two people who are known to be that pair who are best friends but their actions say otherwise. people have teased them about it and would say it jokingly and they wouldn't mind and would just laugh since they don't care at all and they don't really have feelings for each other.


² they get more cuddly and they have skinship towards each other a lot as time goes by. their faces always get close to one another and it always looks like they're gonna kiss. the two don't find it weird at all, it's just their way of showing their closeness.

was that actually it?

³ time passes by, and their feelings also grew larger. they never expected to develop feelings for the other, not at all. they could never let the other know about it. it has become the biggest secret they need to keep. they won't do what others do, like forcing themselves to develop feelings for someone else to get their mind off the other, or they would avoid them.

⁴ all which are bad options. they both thought to act normal, they can do that. they had just decided to keep it in and never tell the other. why would they? they would just risk their friendship and it would break! no way they are doing that.

actually the worst decision ever.

⁵ they only met in highschool, ninth grade. but they stood by each other's side ever since the day they became friends. they were lucky they have enough money to pay for their tuition fee every year, unless it was less more possible for them to meet in a public school. private schools only have one section, while public schools have.. what? 20? yeah. they almost never really would have met.

⁶ before, the others only saw the pair as bffs. for lifers, partners in crime. laughs and jokes, all that. the pair did too, until it went by so fast. what's with suddenly thinking about them everyday? what's with falling into their eyes as they look at it so graciously?

it was love.

⁷ they thought they were doomed. they know this is a dangerous thing, and can do a lot of things to a lot of people. they could get hurt, mentally and possibly physically. they've seen what other people had done to themselves and possibly others, it was scary how love can do such things.

⁸ yet, they're here. now contemplating whether it's actually real or not. because they've never really liked anyone before. the first person they've ever liked are each other. they're not attracted to any other boys though? what's up with that?

he's the only exception.

⁹ they have no clue. what do they do? they don't want to get hurt, and they would especially not want to hurt the other. because of this stupid feeling called love? avoid it, they would beg themselves everytime they're reminded of it.

¹⁰ to be honest, they were scared that something was going to develop if ever the teasing goes on, which it did. it's their fault, honestly. they know what would happen if they kept teasing us, right? maybe they took that oppurtunity to tease us lots so they could fall for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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