Do You Trust Me?

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!! The oneshots in this book are not connected or associated with each other and are seperate timelines and storylines. Please don't get confused by this. !!


"Do you trust me?" Heeseung asks.

"Yes, why?" Niki answers, confused.

Heeseung and Niki are currently on the roof top of an abandoned school. They're having a deep conversation, which is new to Niki since he's never experienced the guy like this before.

Heeseung is known as a broken and distant person, because of his past. Heeseung met Niki, whom is the only person he ever trusted.

"Thank you, for healing me." Heeseung said gently.

"I told you things that I never told anyone else, yet you manage to keep it a secret from everyone instead of spilling it to them like what I expected everyone else to do. I'm just so used to being the one who people are hurting, it's not normal. It never was." Heeseung explained.

"Until I met you. You weren't like any other person I met. You tried to cheer me up, you trusted me, you.." Heeseung suddenly stopped.

"Were like someone I wished to come into my life." Heeseung admits.

Niki tilts his head, thankful but confused as to what he means.

"I wished for a person like you, years ago. In this very spot. I never knew it would come true." Heeseung smiles.

"Thank you for your existence, Niki. It means a lot to me." Heeseung turns to him, smiling.

"You can always come back to me when you need it. I'm always here." Niki tells him.

Heeseung gives him a warm hug. He's afraid of what a person might do to him when he hugs a person. But that's how much he trusts Niki, that's why he's still shocked even though he's hugging back.

"I brought you here to tell you that I'll be out of the country for two years. I'll be very busy, but I'll come back for you here. I promise." Heeseung spills out.

"So, let me ask you again. Do you trust me?" Heeseung asks again.

"I always will." Niki smiles and hugs the older.

Heeseung secretly knows that Niki likes him due to his obvious actions. He likes him too, he just has to tell him once he's completely free, for him.

They end it by saying goodbye to each other, and they go off and walk their own ways.

~ time skip ~

It's been two years since he last saw him in person, and he's waiting for him to come back to him now.

He's currently walking at the park when he saw a letter. He picked it up and read it.

to iki,
meet me at that spot, tonight. i have a lot to tell you about ;)


Niki gasps as he saw this letter. Is this real, he's finally back? He's excited on what will happen tonight.

~ time skip ~

Niki goes to the roof top to see Heeseung looking up at the stars.

"Welcome back, seung." Niki smiles, greeting him.

"I missed you, Iki. So much." Heeseung admits.

"Clingy much?" Niki teases

"Guess I am." Heeseung chuckles softly after.

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