Study Buddies Or More

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!! The oneshots in this book are not connected or associated with each other and are seperate timelines and storylines. Please don't get confused by this. !!


Heeseung is that busy school president, and Niki is the school transferee. Ever since Heeseung was assigned to him by the principal, they have been great study buddies. Mainly because of the reason that the transferee's japanese. He doesn't understand english at all, so his parents sent him to this school, hoping he would learn english better. And he did.

Heeseung would set up flashcards for Niki to practice his english. They would also study their subjects in the library with their free time. They rarely ever hangout, but Heeseung always treats the younger when they do. They're always soft to each other, they never have any bad moments. They're so soft to the fact that their friends are suspicious of it. 

Niki is currently struggling to read and Heeseung is trying to help him.

"There. You did great, ki." Heeseung softly says while smiling.

"Thank you for helping me again, Heeseung." Niki thanks him with a smile.

"No problem! Is there anything else you need help with?" Heeseung asks.

"Not right now. I will tell you once I do need help, as I always do." Niki responds nicely.

Heeseung nods softly. They both then turn to look at ten eyes suspiciously looking back at them.

"What?" Heeseung asks.

"You guys sure you don't like each other?" Jay asks, looking for validation.

Heeseung and Niki nod in unison. 

"I don't believe that, but okay. If you guys say so." Sunoo takes a sip of his drink.

Forgot to mention, they are in the cafeteria right now, eating during their lunch break. 

"You two will have to admit your feelings to each other someday, you know." Sunghoon suddenly says.

Jungwon nods. 

They all then continue eating their lunch.

~ time skip ~

"You brought us here to talk, right?" Jungwon asks to make sure.

Niki brought Jungwon and Sunoo to the park after school to talk. But, they don't know what though.

Well, Sunoo has a feeling on what it is. It's just that he doesn't wanna come to conclusions already without evidence or proof.

"You know the thing that people say when they like someone as.. romantically, is it?" Niki asks.

"Like 'I like you' or 'I love you' right? Yeah. What about it?" Sunoo responds.

"Well, I think I might have those feelings for him? I mean, ever since we became close I kind of had developed that kind of feeling. A feeling of 'more than study buddies' kind of thing. Get it?" Niki explains.

'Knew it.' Sunoo thought.

"You're saying..?" Jungwon then asks.

"I don't like him. I..

love him.." Niki shyly admits.

Jungwon and Sunoo's jaw dropped. Both, along with Jay, Jake and Sunghoon, all thought Heeseung would admit to at least one of them first. But, seems like Niki had more courage to admit, not to Heeseung though. 

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