are you in love with him?

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!! The oneshots in this book are not connected or associated with each other and are seperate timelines and storylines. Please don't get confused by this. !!

//tw: mentions suicide and death, manipulation, and backstabbing.//


the unknown stares coming from the older shocks the boy everytime, especially because his crush had stared at him.

riki is a calm person, who mostly puts on a cold face and distant attitude, but he's not rude and he's thankful that people don't mistake him as one.

his friends, jungwon and sunoo, are just as confused as him as to why he catches his crush glancing at him at times. well, he can think of it the wrong way. maybe he was glancing at someone else?

he thinks that's it, but he hoped that it was him that the latter was staring at.

"third time today, huh?" jay starts, eating his sandwhich after.

"it's quite suspicious of you to take glances at him a lot. you sure you don't like him?" jake grows suspicious.

"i don't feel anything whatsoever." heeseung responds blankly and calmly.

"describe him for us, then." sunghoon almost comes off demanding him.

"uhm, how?" heeseung says, genuinely confused.

"isn't that a clear enough of a sign for us to know that heeseung doesn't like him?" jay states out.

"well, we really need to get that bubblegum to stop sticking his mouth." sunghoon responds.

"what?" jake looks at him in confusion.

"yeah, what?" jay also looks at him, while heeseung just silently looks at sunghoon, also confused.

"we need him to say it, for god's sake!" sunghoon shouts, irritated and rolls his eyes.

"well, just something, anything heeseung." jay tells him.

"well, he is quite good at dancing and making choreography, and his height is really surprising." heeseung starts off, with the other three just looking at each other.

"he's also quite smart, and he's good at sports too." heeseung stops talking.

the three patiently look at him and wait for something, but seems like he won't talk again so sunghoon speaks up,

"oh, and he looks like a baby duck, which is kind of cute." but heeseung talks again just as sunghoon was about to do so.

the three look at each other, then smirked.

"that all?" jay asked, just to make sure if there's any more heeseung has to say.

heeseung just nods and hums in response.

the bell rings just as they were about to talk again. they quickly get up and bid each other goodbye.


"it's suspicious though!"

sunoo and jungwon join riki to his locker as their classes have finished. they also talk about the situation that happened a while ago.

"i would always see him stare at me, but it's always a blank expression." riki kind of complains, but he doesn't make it obvious infront of his best friends.

his best friends pretend as if they didn't see that.

"he's known for being a cold person, so i think that makes sense." jungwon states.

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