My Focus is Only on You

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!! The oneshots in this book are not connected or associated with each other and are seperate timelines and storylines. Please don't get confused by this. !!


Niki and Heeseung are on the couch in their dorm. Just a normal day, and them doing normal things. One of those is Niki telling Heeseung a story, but Heeseung is way too focused on Niki's face. Perhaps, this may be a normal thing too. What's not normal is that Niki noticed it.

"And then.. hyung?" Niki asks, noticing that Heeseung is not listening.

"Sorry Riki, but my focus had and will always be on you and your cute face." Heeseung responds.

Niki stutters and doesn't say a word. He is obviously speechless at what the older said.


"I like you, and I always will. Not just because of your cute face, everything about you, is what I like. I just wanted you to know that, you don't need to like me back." Heeseung confesses.

"Actually hyung, I like you a lot too. I just thought that you wouldn't because I thought I wasn't your type. But I really do like you a lot hyung, and I'm glad that you like me too." Niki confesses.

Silence fills up the room. Not until Niki spoke up.

"What does this make us? A thing?" Niki wonders.

"Do you want it to be that way?" Heeseung asks.

"Yes, I'd really want that." Niki answers.


"Yeah hyung?"

"I love you, so much."

"I love you too, hyung."


"Oh my god finally! I've been waiting for them to be together for so long!" Sunoo says.

"Seriously, I can't take it anymore." Jake adds.

"I'm happy that they're together now, they've been wanting for this moment to happen ever since they liked each other." Jungwon explains and the others hum and nod with agreement.

"I'm so proud of them. I'm gonna cry." Sunghoon jokingly says while pretending to wipe a tear. The others laugh.


hello! i made this out of boredom (and bcs i'm heeki deprived lol). this is also a very short one so very sorry about that, i really rushed this.

this was a prompt on a prompt generator website. all the oneshots you'll be getting are prompts i saw from prompt generators.

badly sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, it's my first time doing this. 

if you got any ideas leave a comment and i will try my best to make it a oneshot!

bye bye and hope you enjoyed reading!

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