001xReader // Run, girl, run

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Intro note: You're not an ordinary girl, you're born with unusual abilities but nobody taught you how they work and why you have them and you don't make a show of them. You practice then secretly. You lost your parents few years ago and you live with your aunt. You never heard of Hawkins Lab and of other people like you.

Story request by Sukuna154 💕


You've felt overly stressed for days for no apparent reason.
You kept yourself from using your weird abilities for a while, for not worrying your aunt, but you suspected that was why you didn't feel well.
At night you go to sleep and hope to find some peace there.
Instead you find yourself in a dark place, walking on a wet floor.
You look around and see only darkness. No noises to alarm you.
It feels like a boring place, good maybe for meditation, but you want your mind to rest.
You roam around, trying to find a way out of that dark void.

You freeze at the unexpected sound.
A stranger male voice spoke softly somewhere around you.
But you look around and you can't see the source of that voice.
"What?" you ask nervously, scanning your surrounding and preparing yourself to an eventual attack.
"You're in danger, Y/N Y/L/N".
You hear that voice again close to your back. You turn, but only see shadows.
"How... how do you know my name?" you ask aloud, trying to hide how that situation was upsetting you.
"You don't know me. But I know something about you. I know that they are coming for you".
You shiver at the warning tone in his voice.
"Who's they?".
"Evil people who know what you are".
Okay, this is going to be a nightmare, you tell to yourself.
"And what am I?" it sounds almost silly to ask, but you are impatient to get an answer, maybe a right answer, to justify the unusual things you can do and that nobody has ever been able to explain properly.
"You have abilities" the voice says "Abilities that nobody else has. You were born special, Y/N. Just like me".
You breathe more deeply. Abilities. Born special. That feels accurate. He proves that indeed he knows.
"And who are you? Why I can't see you?".
"I'm like you. Just, the evil people caught me and now I'm trapped. I don't want you to be caged too. I don't want you to lose your powers. That's why I struggle to be here. I've been trying to find you in the past days, I felt too weak to succeed, but now here we are. Now you hear me".

You feel petrified. His tone feels too serious for him to be kidding.
Past days? Was it why you felt unwell, stressed?
You turn around and you bet that with the corner of your eyes you caught the shadow of a tall man.
It makes you more uneasy to be in that weird place, alone with a stranger.
"I'm sorry to hear. About what happened to you" you say with uncertainty "Do you have a name? How can I call you?".
The voice doesn't reply for a long moment. You think he is gone, when suddenly he answers softly.
"You can call me Henry".
Henry. You repeat to yourself to memorize it.
With a name the shadow feels less scary now.
"You need to leave your home, Y/N" he says with urgency "They are coming within few days, maybe even tomorrow. And nobody can protect you from them".
"The police?" you suggest.
"Not even the police can stop them" he kills your hope with no mercy "Pack your things and get away from where you are now".
The idea is so insane that you can't accept it.
"Where would I go? You don't understand. I can't afford to move. I can't afford to travel and sleep in hotels. I barely saved some money to keep studying...".
"How much is your life worth to you?" he interrupts you sharply.
You gape, suddenly speechless.
"Your destiny will be worse than death. They will kill your aunt if she tries to defend you. But you, you will be exploit for your abilities. They will try to tame you, break you if you resist. They will make other people have your powers".
It is definitely a nightmare. The idea gives you a faint hope.
Because it was just so insane.
"Trust me, Y/N" he says more softly and you can swear you feel a caress on your face. You shiver but can't see where the touch came from.
"I really want to help you" the voice says softly.
"Why?" you ask. You learned that rarely people are so generous to help others, unless they can get something in return.
"Because I hope that someday you can return the favour. That you will learn to master your abilities enough to help me out of here".
Okay, that didn't sound so nice to hear, but you appreciate his honesty.
He helps you and you will help him. Seems a fair deal.
"Let's keep in touch at night. Find me here before falling asleep. I will help you to stay away from their reach. Just dont don't let them catch you. No matter the cost".
You open your eyes and see the dark ceiling of your room.

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