001xReader // Join Me

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- Story requested by Bridgee2000 💕

You barely believe to what you've seen.
Alone in the closet, you lean against the wall as you try to digest what you just witnessed.
"Wait here. I'll find us a way out" were Henry's last words to you before leaving you alone.
You were too speechless to say anything.
He has powers. Just like you.
And he used them to save you from the guards who wanted to bring you back to your room and punish you.

You hug yourself as you count your breaths and wonder how long before Henry would be back. Or if someone else will open the door and catch you there.
You soon lose count when you hear distant noises.
You hold your breath to hear more clearly.
Fear keeps you paralized against the wall, but that fear risked to turn into panic as you realize they are screams.
For a moment you think that Henry got caught and was fighting, but the screams were weird. Something creepy you can't name yet.
You are too scared to exit the room and see what's going on.
But you are curious to understand what's happening.

You close your eyes and you focus on what you need to see.
You breathe deeply, recalling all your training to succeed in travelling with your mind.
You focus on Henry, needing to see if he is in danger and needs help.
But when your mind locates him into the Rainbow Room, what you see makes you snap your eyes open and the vision vanishes.
You bring your hands to your open mouth, trying to control your panicking breathing.
Your eyes are wide open and don't want to close again.
But you need to understand something more about what you saw so you force them close again.
Henry is attacking the children, your brothers and sisters.
He's torturing them one by one, blood spraying him.
How can someone so kind and cruel become suddenly so evil?
Then you understand that he's absorbing their powers.

When the last child falls to the floor, you open your eyes and wonder if you're about to join them.
If so, then why he didn't start with you? Why he asked you to wait there?
You're still lost in questions when the door opened and you startle.

Henry halts by the door. He has wiped the blood from his face but some drops stain his white clothes.
"It's me, Y/N" he says with a reassuring voice, but you stand petrified by the wall, staring at him with fear.
He stares back at you and understands.
He takes a step into the closet and closes the door behind him.
"You saw" he realises lowering his head, not with shame but uncertainty.
Only that can explain your reaction.
You stay silent. You have to fight to keep breathing while you are debating with yourself if he's an enemy or an ally to you.
"They never knew freedom" he says softly looking up at you "This lab is the only place they've known. Even so, there was evil in them. They've been hurting you. Imagine what they would do if we left them on loose in the world".
It seems a weird excuse to his hunger for power, but it's not so insane.
"That's why I chose you, Y/N" he takes a careful small step towards you "You're different. You're selfless. You saved me".
"So you won't hurt me?" you ask, unable to stop the trembling that is shaking your body.
"No, if you come with me" he frowns as he ponders the options, some of them must be unpleasant "We need to go now. We can be free. We'll take care of each other. And we can help this world to be better. Join me".

You hold your breath, knowing that it's a big choice for you

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You hold your breath, knowing that it's a big choice for you. But at least he's offering you a choice. He's proving he's not just a heartless criminal. There's method in his way of thinking and acting. He's offering you to be his partner. And you want to trust him.
You hear him swallow as you take time to think.
He offers you a hand and you look at it.
A hand that is capable of crushing your bones with a bored gesture.
But also a hand that is capable of being gentle, like the times it caressed you when you had no other comfort in the bad days you lived in that lab while his voice had whispered some kind words to encourage you.
You accept him as he is. Everyone has a good and a bad side. And you now know both of them in Henry.
"Yes" you say with confidence taking his hand and looking up at him.
He must have seriously thought you were going to reject him because he's clearly surprised now.
His fingers wrap around your hand, but don't squeeze too hard.
A smile of relief curves his lips and you smile too.
In that moment you already feel free.
Free from the fear of him.
His smile is so cute that it washes away the fresh scary memories of him killing the other subjects.
"Let's go" he says with new enthusiasm. He doesn't let your hand go and pulls you out of that closet.

Nothing and nobody can stop you anymore.
Side by side you fight your way out of that hell of a building. Then finally the freedom you've craved for so long.
The sunlight kisses you and you look at Henry. He's so beautiful under the sun, the white clothes make him look like an angel.
You smile at each other, then you resume running.
You both embrace freedom and run towards your happy ending.

 You both embrace freedom and run towards your happy ending

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Wednesday 12th October 2022

Writing this short story made me so happy 😍
I liked keeping the suspence for Henry, if he's going to be accepted or rejected, just like you were unsure if he was going to kill or spare you 😏
And I loved to imagine for him a happy ending with the person who unleashed his powers and is capable of understanding him instead of seeing him as a monster.
So no Vecna, no Upside Down 😍 Just few less captives for Brenner who can go finding a better job 😎

Alright, for some justice I add my own idea of how things had to go: imagine Henry that when he's finished with the children he goes to get Brenner, drags him to the Rainbow Room and locks him in there, melting the door so nobody can easily free him. So hell for Brenner 😌👌

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