Extra - Your New Boss

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- Story requested by eliza_santiago3 💕

"I'll be home for dinner. Enjoy your afternoon".
"You too" Henry kisses you bye, then watches you leave.
For a brief moment he's worried of the heavy responsibity on his shoulders, then it turns into excitement at the idea of a whole afternoon with his children.
You trusted him enough to leave you alone with them.
Those last four years had been a blessing.
You and he watched the twins growing up together, every day felt like an adventure.
Henry just loves his family more than anything else.

He walks to the children's room, watching them playing for a while, until they notice him and greet him happily.
"Anyone wants to have a walk to the park with me?" he asks with a sheepish smile.
They both say yes, making him beam with joy.
They dress up and go out to enjoy the sunny day in the open air.

Henry observes their reactions as they enjoy the stroll.
They look calm because they feel safe with him, but he knows that the world still scares them a bit, although everything is able to amaze them, with that wonder that children owns.
They are very polite and amable, and they frown when they see other children misbehave or be loudly naughty.
The twins have learned not to attract attention so they wouldn't dare to make that kind of show in public.
Henry wishes that his kids will learn to fit in the world, keeping their powers hidden and achieving all their goals.
The boy feels a lot insecure when there are people around. He is introvert, while the girl is less shy.
Henry spots something that surely would make them happy.

"Who wants some ice cream?".
They both answer enthusiastically, so they walk to the ice cream cart.
Henry lets them pick their favourite flavour.
"You don't take anything?" his girl asks him, noticing that he's just watching.
He smiles, caressing her face, then orders a cup for himself too.
After paying, they walk to a free bench and sit down.
Henry smirks listening to his children discussing about what's the best flavour in the world.
The ice cream finish quickly and they watch the people in the park, until Henry notices a mother running after a child riding his bike and gets inspired.
"Do you want to ride your bike too?" he asks.
"Yes!" the girl exclaims while the boy is more hesitant.
"I'm bad at it" he mumbles.
Henry brushes his hair "You're not bad. You just need some more practice and you'll be running like that kid. Come on, let's get your bikes".
They walk back home to get the children's bikes and Henry focuses on instructing his son while the girl pratices in circle around them.
Henry missed the time when they were toddler and didn't see them learn to walk and it's something he will regret forever, so he wants to focus on everything new they are learning.
They can run on their feet, they are learning to run on their bikes. What then? They will learn to drive and they will run away.
Time isn't something he can stop nor bend to his will.
So every moment he can spend with his family is too precious.
The twins grow up fast and he's already nervous at the idea of when they will be teenagers and will start to claim their own freedom, hanging out on their own with their friends.
Henry knows it will never be a goodbye, that nothing will change the fact that they are a family, that he will always be there for them.
He keeps in mind new ideas he's got for new adventures to live with his family and catches his son in time before he could scratch his knee on the concrete.
"You're improving quickly" he says with pride.
"I keep losing my balance" the kid complains.
"You just have to keep cycling, with no fear. I'm here to catch you" Henry promises, encouraging him to ride a little more.
Also in life you have to keep cycling.
Henry had stopped once and the fall had been disastrous. He destroyed his marriage and missed the first four years of life of his children.
Destiny has been so merciful with him, offering a chance to fix it all and have his family back.
The sun sets and the boy has learned to chase his sister on their bikes.
Henry decides to stop them and guides them in their house, offering them some fruit juice after they changed and relax in the living room, then he starts making dinner.
His children surprises him by helping readying the table and you arrive just in time for dinner.
The kids run to the door to welcome you and you're surprised to see them so happy.
You ask them about their day and they update you.
You cross Henry's proud stare and smile at him.
He walks to you and welcomes you back home with a sweet kiss, freeing you from your jacket. Then he accompanies you to the table and helps you sit.
As you are dining all around the same table, you and he are confirmed again that that's what happiness is and you don't need anything else.

As you are dining all around the same table, you and he are confirmed again  that that's what happiness is and you don't need anything else

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Tuesday 21st February 2023

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it 🎶

This little extra for this story has been in the drafts since last December, I just can't believe how fast times pass 😫

I've been so lost in other projects that I haven't written anything new this year and it's already almost March 🙈

I didn't want to add further drama to this story, just to offer this picture of Henry being a caring father and enjoying an ordinary but happy afternoon with his kids 💓

I felt a bit inspired by one of my besties' little girl. In this couple of years I'm seeing her growing up and each moments is so precious and unique. And I always have in mind the "Slipping Through my Fingers" song 🥺 in this story Henry lost the first years of his kids, so he can't miss any second of his time with his children anymore and it's cute to imagine how he learns to take care of them and teach them 💓

I'm sorry for the other requests that I haven't developed yet, hopefully I'll get enough time and inspiration to be back writing about Henry 😊🤞

In the meanwhile imagine Henry cooking for you 🤩🍴 (although I'm mostly tempted to eat him as a dessert 😈😂)

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