Henry x Reader // Happy Halloween 🎃

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- Story requested by Bridgee2000💓

You have been working in the kitchen for the whole afternoon and you hope it was worthy.
Carefully you park in front of the big house that still gives you chills.
You check your look on the mirror. You tried a dark lipstick, but didn't exaggerated with make up.
Gathering your courage and grabbing your bag, you step out of your car.
You refused to go to the Halloween parties you were invited to just to make him a surprise, so you hope it won't be in vain.
What if he lied to you and went to some party with someone else?
You shake those doubtful ideas off and go to ring the bell.
You see some lights in the house, so you expect someone to be at home.
It's a cold evening and you are wearing a long black skirt matched with black leggings, so you hope not to wait forever out there.
The door unlocks and opens and Henry's face appear behind it.
"Trick or threat?" you exclaim.
He narrows his eyes at you in confusion.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asks, opening the door wider and you see that he's in his pyjamas.
He had told you that he doesn't celebrate anything and you replied that you had to work that night.
"I thought it's unfair to let you alone tonight" you pout a little "Do you plan to slam the door at my face?".
"Of course not, come in" he waves at you and steps aside.
You swallow as you walk inside and feel grateful that it's warm and cosy.
He closes the door and locks it, then turns and scans your costume.
"I didn't imagine you still dress up for Halloween".
"Why are you so surprised? Don't I try to dress up like a witch for most of the years?" you follow him through the house.
"I haven't see you with black lips yet" his eyes stalks you as you sit down on the sofa "If you warned me, I would have made dinner for you too".
"I wouldn't ask that much from you, so I brought some food" you open your bag and pull out a box of pumpkin pastries "You can't beat me with these".
You offer him the box and he walks to sit next to you.
You watch him tasting a pastry.
"I'm afraid you're right" he says finishing one and takinh another "Do you celebrate Halloween every year?".
"It's the coolest festivity for me" you chuckle "It's funny to see people dressing up to try to look scary, or the children who play trick or threat, or spending the night watching horror movies. It's better than Christmas".
He shoots you a sideways glance "But you hate horror movies".
You roll you eyes "Yeah, but it's because I'm too sensible. And I don't like the insane violence and the clowns of certain horror hits".
He chuckles "Once or more than once, you told me that I look like someone jumped out of a horror movie".
You laugh and are glad that he remembers it "That's because you have weird tastes and..." you tap his nose "You don't celebrate festivities as normal people do. You don't care of them at all".
"Does it make me a bad guy?" he fetches two glasses and filled them with red wine.
You accept the one he offers you and watch the liquid, before taking a sip "No. It just makes you more mysterious. And interesting".
He grins, making appear a faint dimple on his cheek "I'm glad to hear that. I confess that it's not bad this kind of celebrating. I just don't want to be dragged to those crazy parties where people get drunk and vomit everywhere, or to boring family lunches".
"Don't worry. I don't like that kind of stuff too, so I'd never drag you there" you comfort him.
He chuckles "Good to hear. I'm confident that if I want to, I know how to make your Halloween being the scariest you'll ever remember".
You shudder. You don't doubt him "I warned you that if you place one of your spiders on me, I'll get a heart attack and die".
"I'm sure you just need to get used to it and stop seeing spiders and insects as your worst enemies" he says softly.
"I agree that spiders that hunt insect are very fascinating and useful. It's just instinct that warns me not to touch creatures that might be dangerous".
His fingers barely brush your legs but you stiffen at the touch.
"You're so delicate that not even the most wicked spider would want to bite you".
You should have expected it, but you jump when his fingers strike suddenly and pinch your thigh.
He adores taking you by surprise like that. And it's also your fault because you fall mesmerised so easily when he's around.
You slap his arms that he raised to protect himself while he's laughing so much that his eyes get teary.
You lean towards him and almost fall on him, and when you realize that, you retreat.
"You are the most wicked spider, Henry Creel. I should have let you alone tonight" you pat your wrinkled clothes and stand up "That was what you had in mind anyway, right?".
You sneer at his pyjama, although he looks so handsome even in those ordinary clothes.
He gapes at you for a moment, unsure if you're joking or not, then he leans to you to drag you back on the sofa.
"Oh, come on. I didn't even tickle you. You asked trick or treat. I choose tickle".
You slap his naughty fingers to keep them away from you.
It has been your doom when he found out how ticklish you are.
And somehow his long fingers were perfect for tickling and torturing you.
"And I'll choose punch your face and kick you in the back if you dare" you reply sternly.
He laughs and raises his hands "Alright, I surrender. You win. Do you forgive me now?".
You look at him, then sigh and roll your eyes.
He's so cute that you risk to gape at him like an idiot if you keep staring at him.
"Fine, truce" you pull your bag and pick another box, a wrapped one "Before I go, I have a gift for you. To apologise for disturbing you tonight".
He takes the box with a wary look "You never disturb, Y/N. Actually I'm grateful you came. Can I open it?".
You start to feel uneasy and a little embarassed. The idea seemed quite too simple and you fear he won't react as you expect him too.
And you spent so much time to care of every detail, also in the wrapping, to make that little gift simple but perfect.
You nod and watch his fingers pulling at the ribbon until it surrenders to him.
Then he removes the paper and peeps at what the box contained.
You see him hold his breath as his eyes linger on your little creations with surprise and maybe wonder.
"I know how you love spiders" you explain rolling your eyes as you try to deal with your nervousness "So I though of making you some spider cookies. Dark chocolate is also your favorite, so that's what I used. And I found cherry red dots to make them look a bit like black widows".
"It's wonderful" he says, his voice trembling slightly. His pure blue eyes look up at you "Thank you".
You smile sheepishly "Well, happy Halloween".
"Happy Halloween" he chuckles and looks at your cookies again "They are too perfect to be eaten".
You try not to feel flattered "Well, they are made to be eaten. They would get wasted if you don't at least taste them".
He picks one of them to admire the details and offers you the box "I think they are made to be tasted in good company".
You chuckle and pick one, but wait to see him taking a bite from his cookie.
He hums in approval "I'll make you my personal cook of cookies. They are delicious".
You sigh in relief and bite yours "These are for special occasions only. I thought you disliked festivities".
"You are changing my mind" he says biting another cookie.
You have to hurry to get some more before he'd eat them all.
You love seeing him so happy that you have no regrets.
He finishes the last cookie, then leans toward you.
You don't move as you suddenly feel shy and insecure.
You see his eyes lowering to your mouth. You have been eating so quickly, that you still have chocolate and crumbs on around your lips.
He's still so hungry that he kisses the corners of your mouth. You feel his tongue licking the chocolate and the crumbs.
You can't let him go like that and you part your lips to let out the breath you've been holding.
You grab the collar of his shirt for not letting him retreat.
Your lips search for him and you taste the sweetness of your cookies also in his mouth.
Halloween truly deserves to be celebrated now.

Halloween truly deserves to be celebrated now

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Monday 31st October 2022

This is the least scary Halloween story ever 🎃
But I loved writing it

Actually, a cute and caring Henry can be more scary than Vecna, when you don't know what to expect 😅

I wish you all a Happy Halloween and that you can have a lot of fun in this spookiest night 👻☠🤡🎉

And if you get too scared, you can always run to hug Henry/Jamie... or even Vecna himself 😈

 or even Vecna himself 😈

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