001xReader // Labour of Love

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Story requested by Angelicangelx  💕

You look at the monitors as the nurse checks your vitals and those of the growing being in your belly.
Another day with no morning sickness, but the extra weight is something you stil need to get used to.
But it's alright. You want the baby. You can go through hell to protect him or her.
You place a hand on your belly, an instinctive gesture to protect.
But you're safe in that lab.
You learned to trust the people working there.
The nurse smiles kindly to you and says that you and your baby are fine, but recommends you to follow the diet that the doctors have chosen for you.

Happy to be dismissed, you leave the infirmary and walk in the white corridors of your new home. Once you have discovered that you had unique abilities, you've been contacted by Doctor Brenner and invited for some tests. You started to visit that lab more and more frequently until you found out you were with child and you were offered to live in the lab.
You accepted because the doctors in that lab are the only ones to understand your abilities, that will be inherited also by your child.
The first months went well, but in the middle of that journey you already start to worry about giving birth.

Suddenly you forget all your worries when in the corridors you meet the most handsome man you've ever seen. The father of your child. The blond orderly smiles broadly at the sight of you and quickly cut the distance with long paces.
"Good morning, Y/N. How are you doing today?" Henry asks you taking your hands.
His hold makes you feel safer and more confident.
"We are fine" you smirk at how he is still unused to hear you using the word "we", to include the child.
His gaze caresses your growing belly. He whispers a sweet greeting for the baby you can't see yet, but that is there, the product of your love.
"I bet you're both hungry" Henry says, lifting a hand to caress your hair and pull away a rebel strand from your face.
His small gestures melt you.
That's what made you fall for him, more than just his attractive appearance. Since you arrived at the lab as a scared girl who understood little of her abilities and how to control them, he has always been kind and caring. He didn't mind leaving his duties to assist your tests. When you were about to panic and you felt your powers going out of control, you searched for his eyes and they gave you the confidence that helped you to win most of the challenges.
Henry offers you his arm and you grab it, letting him guide you to the canteen.
"What do you say if I take you out to dinner tonight?" he asks looking at you with the kind of look you can't say no to.
"Take me out?" you repeat confused. You know you both can't leave the lab for security matters.
"Sort of" he slightly bites his bottom lip "We won't leave the lab. But I'd like if it's just you and I...".
"Yes" you say chuckling because there's no way you're going to reject any offer of being with him "Anything you have in mind".
"Perfect" he gives you a quick kiss on your forehead before opening the door for you.

For the whole day you wonder what he has in mind.
Since you officially moved into the lab, you got a room on your own, but you and Henry are trying to persuade the doctors that letting you two sleep together is healthier for the baby.
As night starts to fall, you are impatient to reunite with Henry.
He comes to pick you by your door, his white uniform replaced by a similar white shirt matched to dark pants.
He's so breathtaking that you just wish to invite him to your bed and lock the door.
"I think I forgot to order a proper dress for a date" you say looking down at your large gown.
"You're perfect with every dress" he assures you and links his arm with yours "Ready for a little walk?".
You nod and expect him to lead you to the basement where you were used to secretly meet, until you couldn't hide it anymore.
Instead he leads you upstairs, until you reach the top floor.
"There's no fancy place in this building. But I've been collecting things to try to offer you something decent" he says quickly, then steps at your back "Can I close your eyes?".
You remember the times he had blindfolded you. And all the consequences.
But you trust him and nod.
His large hands cover your eyes and you let his body guide you forward, until he stops and drops his hands.
You blink at the dim lights, then you realize that the lights you see are the flames of the candles on a table ready for two, near to the windows where you can spot the distant lights of the town of Hawkins. And in the dark sky there are some stars shining in this clear night.
"It's really beautiful" you say feeling tears filling your wide eyes. Your hands cover your gaping mouth.
"You are beautiful" he whispers pulling your hands down.
Without thinking, you wrap your arms around his neck to hug him.
"Thank you" you say emotionally "Let me guess. You stole the candles".
"And the tablecloth. And the food and the glasses" he adds smirking.
"You should have asked me. I could have done that without much efforts" you snap your fingers.
His hand clasps yours "You know it's safer if you don't use your abilities in these months. For the sake of our child. I just wanted to prove you that I can take care of you, even if I...".
You silence him pressing your lips on his.
Henry told you he lost his powers and you can't bear to see him struggling, like he constantly needs to prove you he's worthy.
"You're perfect" you say on his lips, hoping to mark the words with your kiss. He constantly needs to be reminded of that.
He smiles a little shyly and walks you to the table, being a real gentleman, moving the chair to help you sit, pouring you the drink you choose and helping you with the dishes.
As you eat together, you struggle to think that it's all real and not just a beautiful dream.
You eat more than what your diet allows you, but Henry assures you that it's just good for you and the baby.
Then you hear some distant noises and you look at the windows.
Henry stands up and walks to you, offering you a hand.
Once on your feet, you go to the windows and realize that there are fireworks exploding on the horizon.
You forgot that it's already July.
You admire the show as Henry stands behind you, embracing you.

Some time later you the permission to share your room with Henry.
The pregnancy goes on well, until you reach the ninth month.
"It will be alright, we will be all together, the three of us" Henry repeats to you and you want to believe him rather than listening to your fears.
It happened so suddenly and quickly.
You are dining with Henry when the water breaks.
Time stops for you as he calls for help and you're carried to the infirmary.
The pain of the labor is something you want to forget, but you are grateful that Henry fights to stay next to you, in each moment of that agony.
As the darkest hour is right before dawn, all your efforts are paid when you hear the baby crying and then the doctors hand the child to you.
It's just the start of a new beautiful day and a beautiful journey.


Wednesday 4th October 2022

So giving birth to this story was quite hard, I had to contain my tragic side and let it be a cute story 😅
I have friends who recently became mothers, but the pregnancy topic remains something that makes me uneasy and a little embarrassed, although it's the beginning of something beautiful, a new life amongst us 🌱 Yet, I feel it like something intimate, private and to be fully respected and worshipped, and even writing about it worries me because I don't want to be tactless or make mistakes 😁

Anyway I enjoyed facing this challenge and I hope the result is a cute story without the usual drama 😊💕

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