001xReader // When the Sun Sets

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Story requested by shanzaynoob 💕

You've been working in the lab for some months

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You've been working in the lab for some months. You've been taught to strictly do your duties, not to ask questions on what happens within those clean, white walls, not to share out of the building anything about what you see.
And what you see just leave you speechless.
There are children living there, children with incredible abilities.
And they go daily under various experiments. And sometimes they are punished in harsh ways.
But your job is not judging.
You are just an orderly, who accepted the job for the generous wage.

"How does the sunset actually look like? Do the whole sky turn red? Or just around the sun?".
You are always surprised when children talk to you and ask such weird questions, like they lived their whole life into that building.
You follow Eight's eyes and look out of the window, at how the sunset is warm and colorful.
"You've never seen a full sunset?".
Eight shakes her head, her braids dancing around her.
There are no balconies you know off, so your idea is to simply step out of the building and let the girl see the sky.
You know there are guards patrolling the place and there is a barbed wire fence to protect you.
"Come" you say taking her hand and guiding her downstairs.
"Where are you going?" the receptionist asks at your back.
You smile at her "She just needs some fresh air".
You keep walking, Eight pulling you, impatient to go outdoor.
"It's soo big" the girl comments stretching her neck to look up.
You barely get the chance to see Eight's face full of wonder at the sight of the sky above her, when strong hands grab you and separate you from the child.
"Where do you think you're going?" an angry guard ask you while Eight tries to fight the two men pulling her back into the building.
"Nowhere" you say nervously "She just wanted to see the sky".
The man tsks you "The children are not allowed to leave the building. Never".
"We were not leaving, just standing here by the door..." you try in vain to justify, but the two guards holding you drag you inside.
You try to free your arms from their iron grips, letting them know that you can follow them willingly, but they don't listen to you.
They drag you in the basement, until you stand in front of Dr Brenner.

"She brought one of the children out of the lab. To see the sky, she says" the guard tell to the doctor with an unpleasant tone, the one of whom dislikes new employees and is impatient to see them in trouble to report them to the boss.
"Is that true?" Brenner asks staring at you.
"Yes. I only wanted to let Eight see the sky. Just for a moment. Also to get some fresh air. We weren't going anywhere" you say, confused by what you believe is just a misunderstanding.
"That's a lovely thing" he says and you feel grateful that he understands, until... "But it's forbidden to let any children out of this building. Actually they should always stay in their quarters".
You widen your eyes "I didn't know...".
When you got the job, you got an endless list of rules to follow, but you can't remember anyone forbidding to let out children.
"You see, Y/N, when you let a bird see the sky, it wants to fly to it" he says like he's teaching to a child "It gets stubborn until it gets to spread its wings and fly away. Our children can't learn about their wings and that they can fly, or they become obsessed with testing their wings to fly away from here. They are safe here. We protect them".
"I understand" you say, although his bizarre speech made you frown.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but you broke a big rule. And we can't predict the consequences of your apparently innocent gesture" he says looking sorry for what he's saying "Children and staff that don't behave are punished here".
You stiffen, hoping he just means that you're going to get extra work to do.
But the look on the two orderlies that approach you isn't encouraging.
They are like hungry wolves surrounding a lamb.
You shoot a questioning look at the doctor, who is just impassible.
"It's for your own good, Y/N. To make sure you learned the lesson".
You wince when other hands grabbed you and dragged you to another room. The electroshock treatments room.
"No, no, please... I'll never do that again, I swear" you say, starting to pant heavily and panicking. You hate electric stuff. The idea of being treated is your worst nightmare.
The men are just numb to your words and your begging.
You start to cry as they force you to sit on a chair and tie your limbs.
"Stay still" one of them command as you keep looking around and begging them.
"I said, stay still" he hisses and wrap a collar around your neck.
You understand that what Brenner is holding controls the collar on you.
"Don't misunderstand me" Brenner says without looking at you "This is unpleasant for me as it is for you".
You stare at his thumbs, your heart beating so wildly that you risk a heart attack.
You're not going to survive it, you realize.
Brenner should know that your health isn't so strong, that you suffer from panic attacks and other ailments.
Yet, he presses a button and your world burned in a pain that shakes your whole being.
You stop sobbing and crying, and let out a scream of agony.
It doesn't stop there and other waves crush against your weakening body.
Also your brain is going to explode.
They are monsters and they are slowly killing you.
You start to feel numb, like you're watching the awful show from another point of view. You hear your own screams and see your own body convulsing, feeling the end coming as a dark shadow, a welcomed one, if it meant the end of that agony.
You think of the sunset, the beautiful colours of a dying day.

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