Henry×Reader // The Dragonfly and the Spider

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Story requested by shanzaynoob 💕

**AU where Brenner doesn't exists and Henry has always been free

**AU where Brenner doesn't exists and Henry has always been free

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You remember the first time you saw him.
He was the new student in a town where everyone knows everyone.
His being introvert didn't make a good impression on the other boys, who started to call him weird and other names.
Just to be kind, you had approached him and said him "Welcome to Hawkins" with an encouraging smile, just to get an quick empty look back.
He is same age as you.
Through the years you saw how lonely he is, how the other students feared to be near to him.
A stark contrast with his sister, who is the most popular girl in the school.
You liked being lonely too, but never thought that little thing in common could make you close.

"Don't kill it!" his voice exclaims at your back.
You are kneeling in a corner of the school garden, observing the life of the small animals that common people ignore or dispise.
You turn to see Henry walking to you with a menacing face, then look again at the spider that is approaching its new prey on the web.
"Why would I kill it? Look, it got a big fly" you point at it and watch as Henry carefully stops one foot from you, then kneel by your side.
You both watch as the spider weave all around its prey.
"Usually people kill spiders" Henry says, his eyes lingering on the web.
"People fear them as they fear animals with many feet... or no feet" you sit on the grass, hugging your knees.
You feel Henry's eyes on you, but don't cross his stare "The other day, everyone was screaming when there was that little snake crossing the garden. You just stared at it, with wonder?".
You shoot him a bored look "That snake was more scared of us. These little beasts are more scared than us and have all rights to be since we are evil giants to their eyes".
He is silent for a while, then says softly "Some boys started calling you witch".
You chuckle "I've been called worse. I prefer being a witch just because I care of little animals and I love plants rather than people and their silly games".
You pick an ant from the grass and place it in the web, watching as the spider quickly work on the new prey.
"You're right" Henry says "We don't have to change ourselves to get others' approval".
You smile, glad that someone agrees with your point of view.
"I'm Henry" he says suddenly, offering you his hand.
Of course you already know his name. You've been at school togetherness for a couple of years now.
But it's like the first time that he lets you into his world and doesn't consider you a stranger, so a formal introduction seems fine.
"I'm Y/N" you reply shaking his hand.

Your mother knows the Creels and she heard of the weird rumours around Henry.
When she learns that you are his friend, she tries to warn you.
But you dont fear him, even when you realize that he's more unique than you imagined.

"Aww no" you walk quickly to the web to free the insect "I'm sorry, but I like dragonflies. They are predators too. Why can't spiders and dragonflies make a deal so dragonflies make other insect fly into the web and in exchange the spider let the dragonfly fly away?".
"That's an interesting deal, but I don't think they understand what a deal is. Instinct controls their choices".
"But evolution can make these deal happen. I've heard of many examples of these deals in nature...".
"Look at these lovely birds!" some nasty voice interrupts you "What a cute prey you got into your filthy web. Do you know how to play with a bird or do you just break it as you break all your toys?".
You both stand up and turn to the little group of boys that are approaching you with hostile faces. A bunch of silly bullies.
The leader of them was just being rejected by Henry's sister, after trying to harass even Henry in the previous weeks to get into her favours. And now he thinks he can have his revenge on her by pestering her younger brother.
"Why don't you look at yourself in a mirror? Any girl would reject an idiot like you" Henry spits with disgust.
The boy approaches him with clenched fists "What did you call me?".
"Are you also deaf?" you tease.
You get a heavy glare, then he launches his hand to grab your arm "Go away, this is males' stuff".
His hand is snatched away by Henry's.
"Don't touch her" Henry warns and a fist flies to his face.
You hold your breath, but the impact never happens.
Henry just stares at the fist, paralized few inches from his face.
That's when all you know makes no more sense. But you learned to accept that Henry is special. And nothing can hurt him.
Henry wraps his hand around the fist and the bully grimaces in pain.
His companions walk closer to help him "Surrender. Your name should be Henry Kneel".
One of them grabs your wrists, but you lift your knee and kick him in his groin.
"You should be the ones to kneel" you hiss.
The attackers struggle in front of you, held by invisible forces.
You see Henry's focused face, his nose starting to bleed.
You place a hand on his shoulder, fearing that he won't stop.
"Henry..." you call softly.
He inhales deeply and the boys collapse around you, then they run away like they have a pack of angry dogs chasing them.
You take a tissue and wipe the blood from Henry's face. You just hate how the stupid bullies bring out his violent side, the one rumours talk about and that even your family warn you about, wishing for you to stay far away from him.

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