Chapter 12

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"Hey, did you hear?"

Mikael turned to see Charm running up to him. "Hear what?"

"Thorne is gone!" she exclaimed with a grin. "Apparently, his old man was withholding money from the IRS and they cracked down on the family. Thorne and his family packed up and moved away in a flash."

"Seriously?" asked Mikael, a small smile appearing, but then it was gone. "But what if Thorne comes back?"

Charm ruffled Mikael's hair, making the slightly shorter teen pout. "I totally doubt it. I've heard lots of rumors of that possibility, but there were credible articles about the Thorne's family business declaring bankruptcy and the whole crew fleeing into the night."

"Wow," murmured Mikael, although he could guess what actually happened to the Thorne family. The company had completely exceeded his expectations. He should thank them in some way.

"Isn't this great? Now you and Sullivan can be out and about together."

Mikael's entire face turned red. "Y-you saw?"

"It was hard to miss Sullivan's 'kiss of claim' before the incident with Thorne took place." She shrugged, then eyed me with a curious expression. "Are you feeling okay now? You went home early yesterday because of shock, right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now." Mikael smiled. "Thanks, Charm."

"You're welcome." she replied, then looked around. "So where's Sully?"

"It's Sullivan," rumbled Raphael from behind Charm, making her shriek from fright. "And I'm right here, obviously. I heard the news from the grapevine."

"Babe," murmured Mikael, reaching out for a hug. "I'm so happy to see you today. Are you feeling okay? How's your wrist?"

Raphael chuckled and pecked Mikael's lips before giving him a tight squeeze. "Yes, Mika, I am okay. My wrist is a little achy, but nothing is broken. I'm also feeling better knowing that we won't be attacked by that psychotic thug anymore."

Mikael's laughter made Charm and Raphael smile—the latter could be seen thanks to the glimpse of slightly off-white teeth through the dark brown hair. The arctic-blue-eyed teen hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Can I see you more now?"

"Yeah, of course."

Mikael's pale skin flushed as Raphael's hands slid lower. "Babe?"


Charm grinned and slapped Mikael's back. "See ya!"

The teen pouted while Raphael rubbed the sting away, the latter watching Charm leave. Mikael rubbed his left cheek against his boyfriend's head and silently inhaled the spicy gingersnap scent that made his mouth water. He quietly exhaled and kept his chin on Raphael's left shoulder.

"Mika, can we talk later?"

"Of course." Mikael then added, "My mom wanted to tell you that you are welcome to come to her and Papa for help if you need it, too."

Raphael swallowed thickly, then inhaled deeply and slowly released his breath. "That's very kind of her, thank you."

Mikael smiled and squeezed Raphael just a smidge tighter. "I'll let her know, Ael. I'm so happy."

Raphael walked Mikael backwards to have his back against the lockers. Arctic-blue eyes darted around to make sure that no one was watching them before Mikael gently eased his boyfriend back a bit and cupped his hair-covered face. A couple of his fingers slid behind Raphael's ears, making the other teen shiver and squeeze Mikael's waist a bit more firmly.

Unexpected Attraction (BxB Fantasy) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now