Chapter 28

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Even though Mikael had been rigorously trained for two weeks to be able to handle pitch blackness, it was another thing to experience it with the concern of death actually being a significant possibility. But Raphael's hand kept him grounded and he could hear Chaos quietly clicking his tongue every so often. The master steadily walked forward with no issues, just like the four other soldiers of their team behind them.

As expected, there was no light within the tunnel. But there was a railing, which Mikael used to keep himself straight on the path. Raphael was counting on him, matching their steps and breaths as they continued to march forward in almost dead silence. A single misstep could send a rock clattering against the concrete and the echoes would alert the guards near the mouth of this entry/exit point.

Mikael had to be ready for what could be seen once they reached that choke point. His purpose was to keep their team as safe as possible with his foresight. Raphael was there to determine if the guards spoke truth or not, which would save their group a lot of time in the end. Mikael felt Raphael squeeze his bicep, so his tension eased slightly. He had to have enough to be focused on the task at hand, but not so much tension that he could injure himself if he was startled by something.

But the slight relief from the aching tension disappeared when Mikael heard the master inhale ever so slightly and then sensed his pace slow down. They had already reached the entrance. One of the men in their team silently approached the front of our team, covering for the master as he set his hands on the solid steel vault-like door that was stated to be there by the informants.

Without any visible signal, Mikael sensed something change. It sounded wet for some reason—or not wet, but kind of goopy instead. Light began to appear near the top of the door and Mikael did his best to quickly adjust his eyes to the brightness flooding into the pitch-black tunnel.

When he and Raphael could see better, Mikael bit back his gasp to see the door literally melting into a puddle. The teammate near the door could clearly control metal to do as he desired. It was fascinating. And, since the metal was being drawn towards their team in the tunnel, the guards were none the wiser. They were keeping their backs towards the door without glancing over, but the men were talking loud enough to cover up the goopy sounds of molten metal. The situation was in their team's favor, so Mikael was extremely relieved.

The master glanced back at him and Mikael gave a nod, so the older man flicked up his hand. The two guards were swiftly taken down without so much as a scuff of someone's shoes. It was so silent in the hallway within the concrete and metal underground fortress belonging to the Temple of Nemesis.

Mikael took the lead this time with the master at his back and Raphael protected by the others. There were surprisingly few guards, but Mikael had no sense of unease about it. He swiftly led the team down hallways that had few guards. Meanwhile, another teammate handled the security cameras with his ability and the master dealt with traps built into the walls and floors.

Mikael halted when he managed to read a guard's lips through his foresight and then heard a voice nearby say, "...Malum Essentiae are this way, newbie."

When the teen held up two fingers, the master nodded and two other members of their team surged forward. The unsuspecting guards were subdued and muffled. After Mikael led their team to a safer area, Raphael's role was coming up next. And, as the questions from the master were deflected, ignored, and or interrupted, Raphael had enough.

Mikael knew his beloved was anxious to get this mission over with and rescue people in the process because then they could finally return home together. But Mikael could barely concentrate on his job while hearing Raphael's growly, super deep voice scare the living daylights out of the guards to get the real answers.

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