Chapter 33

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"That was fun!"

Raphael chuckled while Mikael stretched his back after their pottery class. "Yeah, it was. Thank you, Mika."

Mikael curled his arms over Raphael's shoulders and gently pecked his boyfriend's lips. "My pleasure, Ael. Have you been having fun so far today, babe?"

Raphael nodded. "Yeah, although I wish I had money to pay for parts of our date."

Mikael frowned. "Don't worry about that right now. Today's a special day and I want to make sure you're having a great time. You can pay for a date in the future, okay?"

His boyfriend chuckled. "True, I can do that once I find a job."

"Do you know what you might want to do for work or just do in the meantime?"

Raphael hummed, leaning on the outside of the pottery workshop.

Mikael had requested their finished pieces to be glazed with a couple shades of blue they liked and then sent to his address for an extra fee. And that made Raphael quite embarrassed since he was repeatedly praised for his impressive, beautifully shaped vase. Mikael was super proud of his boyfriend, despite his own terrible job done for a cup—or rather a cup-like shape.

"You can take as much time as you want thinking about it, Ael. I didn't mean to put you on the spot."

Raphael chuckled and leaned sideways to peck Mikael's left cheek. "Baby, you didn't put me on the spot. This work thing has been on my mind a lot lately."

Mikael breathed a sigh of relief and gently grasped his boyfriend's fingers at his left side. He also leaned on the wall and looked out at the park across the street. Mikael wasn't sure that was the same park where he and Raphael had done some naughty things against a tree during their semi-date after his boyfriend's checkup at the hospital. The older teen flushed beet-red at the thought of that day.

"Mika, what's making your face so red?"

Mikael tucked his nose down into the collar of his warm overcoat and eyed his boyfriend. "Just you, Ael." he said, although it was partly muffled.

Raphael suddenly hugged Mikael's waist and pressed his head against his boyfriend's own. "Mika, I think I've made my decision about a job. I've been waffling for a long time now, but I asked your mom a few questions about the modeling business."

Mikael's breath hitched. "You're gonna become a model?"

Raphael moved back a bit and cupped his adorable boyfriend's cheeks, then laughed aloud because of the hopeful expression. "No, Mika, I'm gonna become your assistant to replace that bitch, Jackie."

Mikael's jaw dropped. "Really? You're going to work with me?"

Raphael grinned. "Yeah, I will. Annika warned me that the company might want me to model with you a few times because it's a 'waste' for me not to, but—wait, why are you nodding along?"

Mikael pouted. "But you're so beautiful, Ael. Like, you're seriously, insanely gorgeous. I was totally breathless when you first revealed your face to me."

Raphael's face was on fire as he turned his head. "You're exaggerating..."

"No, I'm not. You're insanely attractive and I'm still overwhelmed by it at times." admitted Mikael, blushing when he noticed his boyfriend's teasing smirk.

"At times, huh?"

"Yes," replied Mikael, now feeling butterflies in his stomach as Raphael pressed his back to the brick wall. "Definitely at times."

Raphael chuckled and pecked his boyfriend's lips. "You are so cute when you're flustered, Mika."

Mikael huffed and hugged Raphael's shoulders, then sighed as they relaxed together. "So, how do you feel about modeling with me a few times? You'll get paid really well as my assistant, but I don't think it will be bad for you to get some exposure and confidence from appearing as a model with me."

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