Chapter 37

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Mikael smiled broadly. "Seriously! We got the okay from the higher-ups."

Gram had a bewildered expression. "H-higher-ups?"

Charm, on the other hand, had a puzzled expression. "What is this about, guys? Are you two involved in something weird again?"

Mikael and Raphael chuckled, taking a seat on the picnic blanket in the park. It had been a week since Raphael had gotten the assistant job and since he and Mikael had requested for their friends to know about their work.

Although it was still winter, the sun had warmed the air and a lot of the earth over the past few days. So, when the news came in, Mikael suggested lunch in the park on Saturday to spend some time with their friends. Luckily, both Charm and Gram were free.

"So?" pressed Charm, slapping her hands down on her pants-clad knees. "What's up with you guys? Why does Gram look so fucking excited?"

Gram was beaming as he hugged Mikael's shoulders. "Bestie, am I really allowed to know? You won't disappear on me?"

Mikael chuckled and ruffled Gram's light brown hair. "Yeah, we're all good. Raphael can say, too."

"Raphael really is in on the job, too?"

Mikael's boyfriend grinned. "Yup, since last week. I'm really happy to be able to work with my Mika."

Charm glanced between the three guys and frowned. "Okay, what the hell is going on?"

Mikael grabbed his backpack and pulled out a magazine to show Gram and Charm. He'd brought another one, but he would wait until either wanted their own. Gram held the fashion magazine with shaking fingers, his eyes glued to the front page.

"Wolf strikes again; the sexiest supermodel returns..." he read aloud, his eyes flicking over the picture of Mikael in a partially open shirt and his eyes cast up and off to the side with a heated gaze.

It was the newest magazine on the market, although it had already become a hot topic in the fashion industry. Mikael had been looking at Raphael, but his expression was snapped by the photographer and the company wanted it for the front page. Raphael blushed as soon as Mikael told him, which made the latter smother the former with chaste kisses until Raphael burst into laughter.

Charm asked to take the magazine from Gram, but he wasn't willing to let go. Mikael knew that would happen, so he offered the second magazine to Charm. She thanked him, then began turning the pages with a look of amazement on her face.

"So you're Wolf, huh? That's shocking, but I can't say it's not fitting. It would be more astonishing if you'd told me your job was with an oil rig, I think."

"Gee, thanks." Mikael rolled his eyes, then laughed. He presented his boyfriend with a proud grin. "And guess what his job is!"

Charm peered at Raphael. "Another model?"

Raphael blushed and quickly shook his head. "I wanted to be Mikael's assistant and, amazingly, I got the job with great enthusiasm from our company."

Charm clicked her tongue. "What a waste, Sullivan."

"See, I told you." teased Mikael, nudging his blushing boyfriend's side. "But that's okay. Do whatever makes you feel happy, babe."

Raphael chuckled. "I will."

Gram finally set the magazine down in front of his crossed and folded legs, then grabbed Mikael and dragged him into his lap. Raphael wasn't particularly surprised by his best friend's action, although Mikael was more so by the sudden jarring than anything else. On the other hand, Charm had twisted to look at Gram with wide eyes.

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