Chapter 32

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"Ael, let's go!"

Raphael groaned, rolling over in bed. "Go where?"

"On a date!"

Ocean-blue eyes snapped open, making Mikael laugh as Raphael threw off the covers and got up. Mikael was already showered and dressed thanks to his work at the company, but today was also Raphael's birthday. Raphael had been allowed to sleep in and rest for once while his boyfriend went to work, so he'd been happy. But it was now clear that prospects of a date with Mikael made Raphael even happier.

"What's the plan, Mika?" asked Raphael, already hopping into the shower.

Mikael leaned on the countertop and grinned. "My plan is to eat wherever you want first, then we can plan our day as we go."

"Sounds good. How was work?"

"It went well. I'm a little tired, but I slept on the way there and back."

"All for the date?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Raphael opened the shower door and peered at his blushing Mikael. "You're so cute, baby."

"Just focus on showering and getting ready, Ael. I'll be in the bedroom."

"Sure thing."

Mikael closed the bathroom door behind himself and sat down on the bed, then flopped onto his side. He could smell Raphael's gingersnap scent and it made his cheeks warm. He had yet to have penetrative sex with his beloved Raphael, but his plan was that tonight would be the night for it after the birthday party.

Breathing in that scent and knowing where Raphael had slept tickled Mikael's arousal, so he reached down and palmed himself while he sniffed more of his boyfriend's smell. He blushed, feeling like a total pervert as his erection swelled to a painful degree inside his distressed boot-cut jeans. He released his cock from its prison and shivered as the heated flesh hit the cooler air.

Mikael pressed the sheets to his nose and began to stroke his cock, fingering the vein and teasing the spongy head to make himself melt with a shuddering moan. He cupped and rolled his balls, then pressed down hard on his tip after one smooth pump upwards.

"Ael," he moaned softly, squeezing his shaft. "Mm, that feels good."

Mikael knew he should hurry up so that he and Raphael could go on their date sooner, but he didn't mind the thought of getting caught either. He fisted his cock a bit tighter and shuddered, his toes curling on the floor. The teen gasped as he teased his helmet more roughly than he had in awhile, quivering as his climax began to build. Just as he approached his orgasm, he heard the voice that had made him climax more times than he could count on both hands.

"Are you jerking off to my scent?"

Mikael's choked and muffled cry of pleasure made Raphael flinch, but then he saw the seed cooling on his boyfriend's palm. Mikael flushed bright red and hid his face, but Raphael managed to coax him to sit up and handed him a tissue.

"A-are you mad?" whispered Mikael, still feeling turned on but mostly mortified.

Raphael snorted and kissed his boyfriend's burning cheeks. "No, Mika, not at all. Although I'm a little upset I couldn't watch it from start to finish."

The older teen flushed an even deeper shade of red and that sign of embarrassment crawled down to his shoulders underneath his sweater. "You wanted to watch the whole thing?" he whispered.

Raphael nodded, albeit shyly. "Can we do it later?"

Mikael agreed, then shared a chaste kiss with his beloved Raphael. The kiss deepened and grew more heated, but Mikael had plans. He drew back and pecked his boyfriend's pouting lips, smiling broadly after a firm hug.

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