Chapter 27

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Mikael ducked, having felt another swing come towards him. He reached for the fist, found the woman's wrist, and yanked her forward with momentum. Mikael swept his training partner's legs out from underneath herself, then immobilized the older woman on the mat. The teen heard her submit, so he got off her back and reached for his blackout blindfold.

"No, don't touch. We've been over this already, Mikael."

The teen sighed after his instructor's scolding. "Right, sorry."

His combat instructor approached him as the woman got up. She congratulated Mikael for reaching the goal of subduing her with no vision, so he thanked her for helping with his training.

"Well, it was my job, so no need to thank me. It's too bad I can't beat you up anymore, honestly."

Mikael rolled his eyes under his blindfold. "Oh, come on."

She laughed and slapped his back. "I'm only partly joking."

The teen chuckled tiredly. "Great, Sally."

His instructor's hands landed on his shoulders, so Mikael tried not to flinch. It had been two weeks since he started training in a completely dark room with a blindfold on, so now he wasn't as reliant on his sight. He could sense movements around him thanks to air flow, but that didn't make him more bold. Mikael was still somewhat scared of the dark; what he could not see within it.

"You did really well today, Mikael. I'm proud of you. Master will be pleased as well." stated Derrick, the teen's instructor for hand-to-hand combat within true darkness.

"Thank you, sir." Mikael managed a small smile, still somewhat uncomfortable with his mind and body trapped in the unrelenting darkness. "I-is my session finished for today?"

Derrick's breaths brushed Mikael's right ear as the older man chuckled darkly. "Master has a different plan for today. He wants to test what you've learned and if you're fit enough for the task ahead."

Mikael tensed and quietly asked, "Do I have to spar with you?"

Derrick laughed. "If only it was simply sparring." He exhaled sharply and added, "I'm going to be coming at you with the intent to disarm and maim."

Mikael's eyes widened. "Uh..."


Mikael immediately sprang back, having felt the barest brush of knuckles to his midsection. "S-sir, is this really—ack!"

The teen almost twisted his ankle from the sudden movement he had to make. In the midst of Mikael's dodging, Derrick finished his sentence: "Of course it's necessary, Mikael. If you don't want to die, use your wits, creativity, perception with sound and sensation, as well as your instincts."

"Yes, sir!"

As Mikael wracked his brain for ideas, he continued to be on the defensive with his instructor. But the longer he waited, the more intense the blows were becoming. Mikael's side was grazed once, shocking him into an offensive mode. It made him grab Derrick's wrist and jam his palm into the man's throat. He hopped back a bit as Derrick choked, then rounded his body and tried to kick his opponent's knees down. However, Mikael's instructor would not fall so easily. The teen stepped away when he sensed Derrick's right arm move and he was just in time to feel the man's fingertips on his ankle.

Mikael wondered if he was good enough to have this match with his instructor, but he pushed those thoughts aside. He had no choice but to be good enough. Otherwise, he and Raphael would never be able to go home. They had to get rid of the Temple of Nemesis soon. And the elder master was recovering quickly, just as the master said he would with two "beauties" nursing him back to health. But both Mikael and Raphael knew that the elder master must have some kind of strong healing ability, much faster than Raphael's own.

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