Chapter 36

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"So what did you want to talk about?"

Raphael twiddled his thumbs while they sat together on a bench in the park. It was late in the afternoon and very few people were outside in the park, instead returning home from work or going out to eat.

"Um, well, I made the decision to talk about my past after Gram said his piece. I was hesitating because I didn't want the way you treat me to change, but I know that won't happen unless I did something like murder or worse."

"Well, I wouldn't begrudge you if the murder was done in legitimate self-defense or as an accident when trying to escape from assaulters."

Raphael chuckled. "I kinda figured you'd say that, but thank you."

Mikael moved his left hand to worm his fingers into Raphael's right ones. It took a little time, but his boyfriend relaxed a bit and leaned over to rest his head on Mikael's shoulder as their fingers locked together.

"Truthfully, I had been adopted once before meeting the evil bastards."


"Yeah, and I remember it all. It was horrific. I don't really want to repeat all that I witnessed slash experienced, but the woman was a closet druggie and the man frequently went out to beat up people to get rid of his rage anytime he saw his wife shooting up or snorting something. But then the woman would transform come Monday and act like any other normal human being, seemingly unaffected by the hard drugs she'd taken on the weekend. It was like she had a split personality."

"That's scary. Were you ever in any danger?"

Raphael mutely nodded, squeezing Mikael's hand. "The woman tried to drug me a few times just for fun. What ended my short stint there was when the man got angry and dragged her off somewhere, but not before throwing a vase at me. Honestly, I have no idea if he meant to hit me or not. The bottom of my right foot got cut up a bit from the shattered ceramic, and a neighbor found me sitting on the front porch with a little blood smeared around my feet on the painted white steps. I was taken back into the custody of the state, where I waited for four years for someone to take me in. I wish I had tried to escape, honestly, but then maybe I wouldn't have met you."

"Don't say that. We probably would have met elsewhere sometime in the future. I feel like we're destined to be and stay together." stated Mikael with a smirk. Raphael laughed, making the older teen grin and kiss his cheek.

"Maybe we are," murmured Raphael with a happy smile. "And I want to tell you about how I was put into the system. I know you don't remember your situation, but I do for mine."

Mikael hugged Raphael's shoulders, turning on the bench to pull his precious boyfriend closer. Raphael sank into Mikael's embrace and returned the gentle squeeze while nuzzling his warm skin.

"From what I remember, my parents were always really kind to me and expressed their love in natural ways. I was never abused once, always treated well—as a child should be while growing up in a normal home."

"I think I can hear a 'but' in there..."

Raphael nodded. "I wasn't their only child. I had an older brother. He hated me, probably because our parents often ignored him. I don't really know why they did that. I have no idea if it was because of his excessive drinking and violent outbursts or if they were the effects from our parents refusing to pay attention to him."

"That's kind of weird, but it isn't unusual—rare, for sure. But not unheard of, I believe."

Raphael shrugged. "Maybe so. But I had this sense that one day my brother was going to snap and physically lash out at our parents, maybe even me. I wasn't wrong. On the day of my sixth birthday, my brother came home acting more weirdly than when he was drunk. When I was older, I realized that it had been similar to the lady who was the closet druggie. Anyway, he came into the dining room with a kitchen knife and approached our father from behind."

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