Chapter 34

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"I can't believe we're actually going to do this..."

Mikael raised an eyebrow while he slicked Raphael's shaft with lubricant. "Seriously? Even though you helped me with preparing my insides?"

Raphael blushed and briefly turned his head. "I've been waiting for so long."

"So have I," reminded Mikael, then he chuckled and leaned back. "Well, take your time. We're not in a rush, are we?"

He watched Raphael's thick cock twitch as he slowly spread his legs and held them open. Raphael swallowed thickly as Mikael's right hand slipped down to his own erection, which was already oozing pre-come thanks to his boyfriend's help with preparing him for entry.

"Are you nervous?" asked Mikael, a slight hiss of pleasure in his voice after brushing his thumb up his cock before curling his fingers to stroke under his balls. "Maybe a little scared that you might hurt me with that thick rod standing tall and proud right now?"

Raphael's face was flushed with heat crawling down his neck while Mikael teased himself in front of him. The arctic-blue-eyed teen was hoping to help Raphael feel less nervous and more eager to actually connect themselves together. Mikael was aching to be held by his boyfriend of three and a half months.

"Mika, baby..."


Raphael adjusted the condom and grabbed his cock, shakily breathing out as Mikael tilted his hips up. "A-are you ready?"

Mikael immediately nodded. "One hundred percent. Are you ready, Ael?"

The other teen dipped his head to kiss Mikael's lips, then uttered through a growl, "As I'll ever be with your sexy self inviting me."

Mikael bit his bottom lip and tried not to orgasm as the deep rumble reverberated in his ears. He shivered and gripped the pillow, slowly breathing out as Raphael began to press himself inwards. Mikael briefly gazed at Raphael's face, but once his sphincter was being spread wider than ever before, the older teen was forced to close his eyes and focus on remaining relaxed.

With most of his senses in use, Mikael was able to perceive Raphael's grip changing very subtly, his quiet breaths and little gasps as he inched his way inside, the stronger scent of gingersnaps that Mikael was almost able to taste, and he could sense that his boyfriend was desperately trying not to hurt him. He opened his eyes and reached up to cup Raphael's cheeks, drawing him down for a kiss as he was stretched more than he ever thought possible. There was a little bit of pain, but Mikael welcomed it.

Raphael paused to let Mikael adjust, so the older teen heaved a few deep breaths. Light blond eyelashes fluttered against burning red cheeks after Raphael shifted his weight to one hand and brushed his knuckles along Mikael's left cheekbone.

"You're so beautiful, Mika."

Mikael pried his eyelids open and stared up at his beautiful Raphael, then chuckled as his cheek was cupped. "Honestly, I feel the same way about you, Ael."

It was true. Raphael was simply stunning. His fair skin, although slightly darker in tone than Mikael's own, was flushed and a bit slick from the heat their bodies emitted. Raphael's rich, dark brown waves were a little sweaty-looking as a sweat drop rolled down his left temple. His body that had once been thin as a rail was now more full and toned.

Mikael felt his face flush a deeper shade of red as his boyfriend pecked his lips. His handsomely beautiful face held a sexy expression of aroused neediness that made the older teen feel incredibly turned on and happy.

He nuzzled Raphael's wrist and gently bucked his hips. "I can continue now, Ael. Thank you."

Raphael inhaled deeply and curled down, meeting Mikael's lips once more before tucking his head under his boyfriend's jaw. "Mika," he murmured. "You're insanely cute. I feel like I might explode."

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