mirror - notti osama

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fem!reader (she/her)
not proof-read

reader's pov

I wrapped his loose curl around my finger, unraveling it and wrapping it up once more. I repeated these actions until I became bored of it, beginning to grab a few more pieces of his hair and braided them into a loose 3-strand braid.

I took some pieces of hair from the top of his head, taking my hair tie off of my wrist and tying his hair into a little ponytail. I played with the sprout-like ponytail, laughing as it bounced.

I looked up into the mirror that was placed in front of his bed, looking at the ponytail. My eyes lowered to Notti's face, observing his sleeping figure. His head rested on my thigh and his arms wrapped around it tightly, almost as if I would disappear.

"This boy was jus' up a few minutes ago.." I said, sighing heavily. I continued to play with his hair, not being able to reach one side because he chose to go to sleep in this odd ass position. "Y'all hungry?" A voice called from the other side of the room, I turned my head towards the door and seen his older sister.

I nodded, shushing her quietly and motioning towards him. She nodded and walked away, leaving the door cracked. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed continuously. I flipped it over and seen that it was text from his sister.

mel 😁

come get yo food rq

i cant
dis heavy nigga hangin onto me like a koala 😭

is too hot 4 me to pick up, js wait a sec


I set my phone down, attempting to get up. "Mm." Notti groaned quietly, gripping onto my legs tighter. "Oh mah god," I said dramatically, hand falling into my forehead. "Dis heavy nigga done gripped me even tighter, an' i'm fucking hungry." I swallowed hardly, mouth watering slightly at the smell of the food.

"Notti! Getcho' heavy ass up, i'm hungry and tha' shit smell good as helllll." I whined and peeled his arms from around my leg. "I'm hungry too." Notti mumbled sleepily, slowly sitting up. I got up and ran to the door, Notti right on my heels.

It's crazy how this nigga can go from bein' dead asleep to bein' wide awake, jus when I mention food. I opened the door and left his room, feeling Notti's heavy arms fall onto my shoulders. As soon as we made it into the kitchen, laughter began to float around.

"You got broccoli on yo' head, nigga." DD said, laughing. Notti's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I laughed remembering what I had done to his hair. He shook his head and went over to his sister, whom held out a plate and laughed at him. "Wha's so funny, bruh?" He asked, grabbing a fork from the drawer.

"Look atcho' head." I said, laughing and pulling out my phone. I opened up the camera app and handed him my phone, his eyes widened and he set down the plate on the counter. I took my chance and quickly swiped it off the counter, I stuffed my mouth full with food, moaning in enjoyment.

"Hell nah, bruhh. I lowkey look good though, Purrr." He said, everyone began to laugh again. I choked on my food, quickly getting thrown a water bottle. I opened the water bottle and took a few sips, just to clear my throat. "I knew you was zesty." DDot yelled from the couch.

"Can I do this side?" I asked excitedly, pointing to the side I couldn't reach. "No, Ian neva sleepin' around you again." He said plainly, lying thru his teeth. "You lyin 'cause you kno' you finna fall asleep right after you finish this food." I said, he nodded, knowing I was right.

E4N ❤️ - kayla ;)

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