new man?, dd osama

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I sat on DD's bed, camera clutched in one and my phone in the other. I clicked record and began to smile. "Hey y'alllll! It's ya girrrllll, Y to the N. You already know." I said, getting up to sit my camera on his tallest dresser. I clapped my hands together, "So, today i'm gonna be pranking DD. Most of y'all might have seen this prank on TikTok, but if you haven't, i'm gon' show you real quick." I finished. I ended the clip and then pulled up one of the pranks I had saved prior to the beginning of the clip. 

I smiled before starting a new clip. "Okay y'all, so here's a video of it." I lowered my brightness slightly and then I angled my phone towards the camera so it was visible. Once the video ended I smiled and then began to explain it in case they didn't fully understand the concept of the video. "Sooo, basically what i'm finna do is, pretend to be sleep and then whisper another man name. I guess imma say some random name.. I don't know. Maybe.. Christopher. Yeahhh, I'll pick Christopher. Okay y'all, i'm finna go set up the camera." I said, swiping the camera and then ending the clip.

I grasped the camera in my hand, and then determined on where to put it so it wasn't visible to him when we were on the bed. I sat it behind the TV, just enough so he couldn't see it but the camera was able to see me. I then turned it on and gave a thumbs up to the camera, I quickly slipped off my shoes and tiptoed to the bed once I heard the heaviness of his footsteps. I jumped under the covers and got comfortable, shutting my eyes. "Mama?" He said into the quiet room.

I fought back a smile as I heard him creep over to the bed silently. I felt the covers lift up and his body slide into the comfort of his own bed. I began to make light noises to build up to what I was trying to say, his hand caressed my face as he shushed me quietly. "Chris.." I whispered lightly. His hand instantly dropped from my face, almost as if he was trying to understand what I said. "Nah, what?" He leaned in closer to me, waiting for me to say it again. 

I said it again, slightly louder this time. "Christopher." I turned to the other side once I said it to hide my slight smile. "What? Yo, Y/ N." He said, shaking me. I turned to him, acting as I had just woken up. I opened my eyes to him staring at me with a slight frown on his face. "What?" I asked, cluelessly. His face curled up into a '😐.' "Girl, I'm not finna play with you. Who the fuck is Christopher?" He said angrily. I sat up and looked at him.

"What are you talking about, DD? I think your delusional." I said, rolling my eyes playfully. He raised one of his eyebrows, mugging me and then shrugging me off lightly. "Whatever, bro. Go back to Chris or whatever that man name is." He said before getting off the bed and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Once I heard that he was far enough, I got up and ran towards the camera and grabbed it. "Guys, he's a little enojado. I'm gonna go see if he's okay." I said, ending the clip. I began a new one and smirked at the camera before opening the door. I lifted up the camera as I walked out of the room, making my way into the living room. 

"DD." I called out to him, he hummed in response not even wanting to spare a glance at me. "DD, Look at me!" I yelled. He looked up at me, finding that I was holding a camera in my hand. "I'm finna beat yo lil' ass." He said before getting up.


hey y'allllldjshdjhvijsdvh, ok bye for another 8 months - kayla ;)

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