tech, dd osama

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made 4 fem!reader
not proof-read

reader's pov

bf ❤️

is u comin 2 school or wha
bcs im not finna walk ta school
if u not comin

im not comin doe ..

n honestly
im ab to block u rn

im rt behind u bro


I spun around, noticing him across the street. I turned my phone off and held it close to my chest. My teeth chattered slightly at the brisk breeze. "Run over here!" I yelled, waving him over. I rubbed my legs, "I knew I shoulda listened to mah mama and wore a coat" I mumbled.

I watched as he tugged up his jeans, holding them up as he ran across the street. I shut my eyes tightly, fighting the urge to laugh. "Hell nahh." I breathed, letting out a few giggles. "Wha's so funny, bro?" He asked.

"Yo ass looked funny as hell runnin' across tha street, you so stiff." I laughed loudly. "Mm, whateva bro." He mumbled, waving me off. We began walking, stopping at the store to buy a drink.

time skip

"This the most boring class on earth, bro." I groaned as the teacher rambled on about the Boston Tea Party. I pulled out my phone, keeping it angled under the table. I turned down the brightness before moving my hand so that it laid in my lap.

I opened instagram and scrolled aimlessly, searching for something more entertaining than a 53-yr old man talking 'Tea Tax'. "Y/N, do you have something more important going on under your desk?" The teacher asked, I huffed loudly  and looked up, shaking my head.

"Nope." I said with enthusiasm, flashing a bright smile. "Then pay attention." He snapped, I slid my phone between my legs and looked up. I began to get bored again, so I looked up at the rectangular clock that was hung up on the wall.

1:34, only 1 minute until the bell rings. "So as I was- Oh, well it seems we'll have to continue this on Monday." He sighed loudly. I rushed to grab my stuff, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and grabbing my phone.

I tucked in my chair quickly and hustled out of the room. "Damn, you got somewhere to be?" I heard. I turned my head to see who called me, I sighed in relaxation when I seen my friend.

"Girll.. you look rough. What dat teacher been in there talkin' about that gotchu lookin' like a mama of 4?" She laughed, feeling my forehead. "World War 2, I was literally finna fall asleep listening to his white ass." I groaned.

"Ohh, well what class you got next?" She asked, "Geometry wit Mr. Sharp ugly head ahh." I groaned. We began walking, talking and complaining about our teachers.

Once we had arrived to my classroom, I waved goodbye and walked inside. "Good afternoon, Y/N." I smiled and walked past the teacher and straight to my seat. "So, tha's what we doin?" DD asked. "Boyyy, what who doin?!" I turned around, setting my stuff down by my chair.

"Not sayin' hi, 'cause I know you seen me when you walked in." He said, relaxing into his seat, legs spreading unconsciously. "I def did, I was jus' too lazy to open my mouth." I said, truthfully.

"Well-" He was cut off by the bell ringing, I laughed quietly and sat down in my seat. A group of late students clambered into the room and into their seats, the teacher sighing disappointingly.

"I gotta go to da bathroom, bro." DD said, but only loud enough for me to hear. "Boy, if youn sign the pass and leave." I whispered back, he moved his chair back and got up. Signing the pass, and leaving the room.

As the teacher began to talk about geometric shapes and finding dimensions, it felt like it was getting colder and colder. I looked over to another one of my friends that sat beside me, "Is it gettin' colder in here to you?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"I literally have a blanket wrapped around me rn, Mr. Sharp jus' don't believe in heat. I guess," She started to look around for something. "Just take DD's tech, is sitting right there. He'll be fine, he already gotta hoodie on." She said.

"Yeah you right." I reached over the table and grabbed his Black Nike Tech, slipping it on and zipping it up quickly. The fleece hugged my body tightly, instantly beginning to warm me up. I sat there comfortably, eventually pulling the hood up and over my head.

The door opened slowly, DD stepping into the room and leaving the pass by the door. He walked over to his seat quietly, pausing once to dap up one of his friends. He sat down and focused on the board.

I leaned my head onto the cold table, letting my arm rest under my head limply. DD began playing with my fingers, intertwining them with his, so that he was now holding my hand. I turned my head slightly, just enough so that I could look at him.

He happened to already staring at me, seeming as if he had zoned out. "What?" I whispered, "Nun, you jus' pretty." He mumbled, smiling. "David." Mr. Sharp said. DD looked up at him, hazy eyes boring into his.

"Wassup, bro?" DD mumbled, slightly annoyed. "First off, I'm not your bro," As soon as Mr. Sharp said that DD groaned. "Oh mah god.." I laughed at his irritation.

"What's funny, Y/N? I wanna hear a joke." He questioned. "Yo mama a joke, nigga." I said under my breath. "What was that?" He asked. I looked up at him, slightly rolling my eyes. "I said, nothing is funny."

"So why're you laughing?" He asked.

"Whatchu on my dick for?" I mumbled, DD laughed loudly before shutting his eyes tightly and attempting to contain his laughter. "Nun. You can continue teaching, tho." I said, side-eyeing him.

"Mm, okay. So David, as I was saying, can you give me the answer to this question on the board?" He asked. DD kissed his teeth and shook his head 'No'. "Oh, and why is that?" Mr. Sharp leaned over his desk, smirking at DD.

"Bro, 'Cause i'm not paying attention." DD said, relaxing into his chair again. "Why aren't you paying attention?" Mr. Sharp questions. "Cause i'm looking at my girl, i'm busy, bro."

"Oh." The teacher said, awkwardly. He looked at the clock, then back at us. "Well, looks like we've spent almost all of our time, going back and forth." He finished. I huffed out of relief, jumping up and out of my seat to get my stuff.

"Bro, where is my tech at?" DD asked. My eyes widened, I turned the other way and pretended to be interested in my friends backpack. "Ma, you know where my jacket at?" — "Nope, you had it on early buttt that's the last I saw of it."

The bell rung loudly and I sped walked outta the room, not minding to push my chair in. "I know she got it." I heard DD say as I almost ran out the room.

"Damn, and I wanna finna take this home wit me."


. 1.2k words is clowneryyy - kayla

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