bck Ⅱ sleep, sgrhllddot

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I looked down at my best friend's sleeping figure, watching his shoulders rise and fall with every breath he took. I squirmed around a little, just to try and get comfortable.

"Quit moving, Damn." I hear him say sleepily. I apologized quietly, my hand finding it's way into his curly hair. He sighed sweetly, leaning into your touch.

I yawned loudly, attempting to muffle it by throwing a hand over my mouth. It obviously didn't work because I felt DDot's thick eyelashes flutter against my bare stomach. I massaged his scalp softly. I shut my eyes sleepily, readjusting myself to my liking.

Once I found a comfortable spot, I felt my self being lulled to sleep.

-  Hours Later -

My eyes fluttered open, I rubbed them sleepily — making me see stars. I didn't feel DDot's comfortable weight pressed up against me anymore, I looked around the room.

Only to find it.. empty? I pulled myself out of the warm bed, my feet finding the cold wooden floor. I hugged myself in an attempt to find some warmth. "When the hell did it get so cold in here?" I asked myself.

I grabbed a sweatshirt that was thrown on the floor; slipping it on and zipping it up. I opened the door, yawning quietly. "DDot?" I asked into the 'empty' hallway. "Wha?" I heard him say. I jumped, screaming out of surprise. "You dickhead, why you scare me like that?" I slapped him in his arm, turning around and walking back to his bed.

He followed suite, closing the door. "Whatchu get up fo' anyways?" He asked. I unzipped his jacket, taking it off and throwing it on the ground. I laid back down in my original spot. DDot laid down on me, again. I grunted when he relaxed on my stomach, feeling as if he was crushing my abdomen.

"You bout tha heaviest nigga in existence, bro." I said while pulling the blanket over both of our bodies. "Mm, shut yo dumb ass up and go to sleep." He said, resting his head on my chest.

His arms wrapped around my waist, squeezing me unconsciously. "You kno wha'.." DDot said abruptly. I waited a few minutes before responding, wondering what he could be talking about at this hour. "What?" I asked.

I didn't get a response, "What, nigga?" I heard light snores fall from his mouth, looking down at him. I giggled quietly, shutting my eyes tightly.


help y'all why is this so short, it seems like it took me 4eva to finish ts. anyways DD looked sooo fine in NOTI's new vid, AND IAN KNO JSTAR WAS THAT LIGHT?? HE SO LIGHTSKIN OMG

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