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"Studying so early in the morning?"

That was the first thing he spoke to me the next morning. I glanced at him for a second before looking back down again at my textbook.

"I have to, Bam. You kept distracting me last night,"
"Me? When did I?"

Wah, this boy... Always likes to play innocent.

I shot him a glare, which he returned with a sweet smile and peck on my cheek. I hit the back of his head, making a face, before turning the page of the book.

"Didn't you get any sleep last night?"
"Not much..." I admitted. "I couldn't sleep,"

I stared down at the page, knowing that BamBam was staring at me. He reached over and pushed my hair away from my face.

"You okay?"

When he tried to take my hand, I pulled it away.

"I'm fine,"
"Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head. I don't know why I'm like this. But I think it's because of what Yugyeom told me. I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I groaned and buried my face in my arms. I really can't stop thinking about it.

I called Yugyeom after BamBam went back to his house last night and I asked him to tell me what it was about, but he really wouldn't. He said it was a surprise. That was it.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not sick or anything?"
"I'm fine," I repeated.

He touched my shoulder lightly.

"Is this about last night?"
"... Sort of,"
"Forget about that. It's nothing,"

I looked at him, biting my lip. He sighed and touched my hand lightly, taking it in his own and making little circles on my palm.

"It's nothing," he repeated. "Don't you trust me?"

We weren't even talking loudly, but at some point, everyone in the room had gone quiet and were just watching us. But he didn't mind them at all, and I tried not to, either.

"You won't leave me again, will you?"
"Of course not,"
"You won't lie to me?"

I shrugged and forced a smile. He bit his lip and leaned over, pressing his lips to my cheek, but letting it stay there for longer than necessary.

"Won't you tell me?"
"I can't. I'm sorry,"
"But it's your-"
"Shush, Yeon. I know it's my surprise. But it won't be a surprise anymore if I tell you. But you'll like it, trust me,"

Less than a minute later, the teacher came in already so I didn't talk to him anymore. He tried to talk to me a few times but I just ignored him.

Yeah, I know I'm being hard on him...


"You guys are unbelievable!"

They really wouldn't tell me. Not BamBam. Not Yugyeom. Not even Mark...

"We swore to keep it a secret," he said. "Sorry,"
"Not even a hint?"

He shook his head. I made a face at him, causing him to wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry. We can't ruin the surprise. You'll love it, I tell you,"
"I'll love it more if you tell me now. I can just act surprised when he tells me himself,"

He laughed and flicked my forehead, telling me I was ridiculous.

"Is it really that much of a surprise?"

He suddenly looked so serious that I didn't know what to say.

"What is it about?"
"That's part of the surprise,"

Okay, so everything's a surprise now... Just great...

"But moving on from that, why are you so cold to BamBam?" He became serious again.

I looked away from him, not answering his question. How can I answer if I don't know either?

"You love him, right?"
"Too much,"
"Then cut the act," he said, tapping my shoulder.
"What act?"
"Stop ignoring him. Don't you think it's stupid? You're ignoring him because he won't tell you. That's something an idiot would do. Don't hurt him. He cares for you and wants to make you happy. You should do the same to him,"

Is he teaching me a lesson or insulting me?

He looked at me sternly, a serious look in his eyes, and I gave in.

"Fine. I won't,"
"Good. You're calling him right now to apologize,"

Normally, I could talk back to Mark, but not today. Not with that look he's giving me and that sort of speech he said a while ago. I know he just cares a lot for me and BamBam, but it's strange to see him so serious, especially when he's such a child on most days.

I dialed his number slowly in my phone.


I hesitated, hearing his tone of voice.

"I'm sorry,"

And I swear the next minute of silence was so nerve wracking.

"Let's meet somewhere. Tomorrow night good with you?"
"Y-yeah. Where? What time?"
"So many questions as always," he chuckled lightly. "Hmm... You know the lot with a house near your place? Let's meet there at five minutes to midnight. Okay?"
"Okay..." I said slowly, wondering why it was so late.
"That's my girl," he said. "Don't be late,"

I promised him a few more things before he let me hung up, saying that he wasn't mad at me, just a bit sad because I wouldn't mind him. And I felt guilty for making him sad...

"So? What did he say?"
"To meet him five minutes before midnight tomorrow at the lot near my house,"
"I see..."

Soon after, he left me alone, saying that he had something important to do, and so I let him. I just went back to my house, my mind still filled about what BamBam had told me to do.


Last chapter will be the next one... :3 Hihi ~ How is this one?? Any comments? Any guesses on what BamBam is going to do? ^^

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