Daylight and Star Bright

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"Why does stuff like this always happen to me," Hannah groaned out loud as she stepped out of her car.

She stood beside her car frowning at it intensely; of course on a special night like tonight her car would choose to break down. She kicked the front tire of her car, seeming to forget only a pair of glittery gold sandals covered her feet.

"Crap!" Hannah exclaimed as she reached down to grab her right foot with both hands, trying to soothe the intense pain she felt.

Once the pain in her foot lessened Hannah got back into her car. She lifted up the lid of the console that rested between the two front seats. Hannah pulled out her smart phone and unlocked it. She went to her contacts and hesitated above the number she knew she had to dial.

The number was to Jensen's Garage a mechanics shop where not only her brother, but her brother's annoying best friend worked. Hannah let out a sigh as she selected the number hoping that neither her brother nor his best friend would be working today. As the phone rang Hannah picked idly at a loose piece of thread on her rose colored sundress. The phone was just about to go to voice mail when a guy's voice answered it.

"Hello?" The guy said again as he waited for Hannah to respond.

She groaned silently to herself, because she knew the voice that had answered the phone; it was none other than her brother's best friend, Sam Batchelor.

"Sam," Hannah said as a greeting.

"Hannah?" He asked sounding surprised as he should be she'd never called the garage before.

"Yeah, it's me Sam, I actually need your help," Hannah said.

"What kind of help?" Sam asked his voice taking on a slightly mischievous tone.

Hannah sighed knowing Sam would tease her for days when he found out what had happened, "My car quit on me," she said.

"What do you mean quit on you, are you ok?" Sam asked his voice taking on a worried tone; although Sam always annoyed her he was still just as protective of her as her brother was.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but it just kind of died on the way to Emily's party," Hannah said as she tapped her fingers on top of the wheel.

Sam's deep laughter came floating through the phone once he calmed down slightly he spoke again, "What do you mean by kind of died?"

"Well, I pulled over to check and see if I remembered my wallet, and the engine just stopped. And before you ask yes I put it in park before I tried to start it again and nothing happened," Hannah said as she crossed her ankles.

"Ok, what road are you on I'll come take a look, and I might have to tow it," Sam said.

"Highway 42," Hannah said.

"Alright, I should be there in about ten minutes, don't go anywhere," he said before hanging up.

Hannah rolled her eyes at the phone, "Like I could go anywhere, I'm in the middle of nowhere."

Hannah sighed restlessly as she pulled her legs up onto the seat, hugging her knees into her body. She glanced at the time on her phone it was 7:36, so Sam should be there around 7:45. Hannah let her head rest against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. Deep laughter was what brought her back to reality; jerking up Hannah looked around slightly confused before realizing her car had broken down.

"Wake up Hannah," a voice called out to her as fingers tapped on the side of her window.

Hannah turned to look outside her window and saw Sam standing there. She opened her door and stepped out onto the grass so they could talk.

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