Chapter 11

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Dedicated to napkinperfect, for making the cover of Daylight and Star Bright.

"Can you pass me the milk?" Hannah asked as she stared into her cereal bowl avoiding eye contact with her brother.

"Yeah, here," Justin replied plopping the carton down in front of her.

"Thanks," Hannah mumbled as she began to pour some onto her cereal.

Once she was satisfied with the amount of milk in her bowl, she lifted a spoonful of wheat to her mouth. Hannah crunched on the cereal in silence, sneaking glances at her brother who was studiously ignoring her. She let out a sigh of annoyance and attempted to start conversation.

"So how's work going?" Hannah questioned him as she took a sip of her water.

"Fine," Justin mumbled not looking at her as he shoveled more food into his mouth.

Hannah tried again, "Anything interesting going on with you?"

"Nope, nothing," Justin replied as he finished up his breakfast.

She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out loud in frustration, "Come on Justin just..."

He cut off whatever else she was going to say as he stood to his feet, "You can have this, I'm done," he told her placing the gallon of milk in front of her.

Hannah watched him in silence as he washed out his bowl, and left the room. She heard him say goodbye to their mother before he left the house. Hannah made a noise of annoyance as she stood to her feet and cleaned up her breakfast. She didn't even know why her brother had stopped by for breakfast. He had made it perfectly clear he had nothing to day to her, and they only ate breakfast as a family on the weekends when her dad was off.

Hannah left the kitchen and went into the living room where her mother was. Her mother sat watching a marathon of 80's romance movies. Hannah sat down on the couch and curled up to her mother's side.

"I think Justin hates me," Hannah muttered frowning as she said the words.

"He doesn't hate you Hannah, he just needs some time to adjust to the idea of you and Sam," her mother told her as she ran her hand over Hannah's curly hair.

Hannah gasped and sat up facing her mom, "How did you know about me and Sam?"

Her mother grinned conspiratorially at her, "Mother's intuition."

"No really mom, how?"

"Unlike everyone else I was observant," her mother told her with a shrug.

"Does dad know?"

Her mother snorted in reply, "Highly unlikely, you're dad is very unobservant when it comes to relationships. By the way, how are things going with Sam?"

Hannah shrugged, "Ok I guess, but we haven't hung out since the beach trip two weeks ago."

"Well, maybe you should get in contact with him and plan something for y'all to do."

Before Hannah could reply her phone buzzed with a text and she pulled it from her pocket. Hannah had received a message from Sam: Hey, I'm off today and I was wondering if you'd like to come over?

"I guess there's no need to make plans now, because he just asked me to come over," Hannah told her mother.

"Good, go have fun and leave me and the 80s in peace, no more 21st century relationship problems," her mother joked with a wide smile.

"Mom you're so weird,"

"But you love me," her mother replied as if she were a child.

"So I guess I'll be back later."

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