Chapter 3

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Hannah blinked her eyes at her alarm clock groaning to herself. For the past half hour she had been trying to go back to sleep. She sighed even though she was a morning person, waking up at 7:30 after having been out until 2:15 did not make her a happy person. Hannah rolled out of bed figuring she could go for a run, to tire herself out and get more sleep.

She quickly dressed in her senior year cross country t-shirt and a gray pair of running shorts. She slid her feet into her black running shoes. She picked up her phone and headphones and jogged quietly down the stairs. Her efforts of trying to be quiet were done in vain, because her dad called out to her as soon as her feet touched the first floor.

"Hannah, come in here," her father called out from the kitchen.

Hannah let out a silent sigh before turning around and heading into the kitchen, "Hey Dad," she said giving him a hug.

"Good morning Hannah please take a seat," her father said gesturing to the seat beside him.

Hannah didn't hesitate as she took the seat placing her phone onto the table. Her father folded up the newspaper that he was reading placing it on the table. He took off his glasses and turned to face Hannah.

"Hannah I have a lot of questions for you concerning last night, but I'll start with the most important. Where is your car?" he asked his tone completely serious.

"Oh! I was on my way to Emily's party and the engine stopped working."

Her father cut her off, "In the middle of the road?"

"No, I pulled over to see if I'd remembered my license and it wouldn't start again. So I called Jensen's and Sam came and towed it," Hannah said.

"How much is this going to cost me?" he asked with a sigh.

Hannah shrugged, "I don't know Sam never told me. So I can go now, right?"

"No, now tell me why you were sneaking in last night after curfew," her father's voice was once again serious.

"I wasn't really trying to sneak in I just didn't want to wake you and mom up," Hannah said with a sheepish smile and a shrug.

"Also because you smelled like alcohol and a hint of weed, am I correct?"

Hannah's jaw dropped surprised he knew that, "No, because I wasn't doing any of that stuff."

"Don't lie to me Hannah I became an expert at smelling alcohol and drugs when your brother was in high school. And do you really think I would go to sleep without knowing if my little girl had made it home safely?" he told her raising an eyebrow, making himself look even more intimidating.

"Dad come on I'm me you know I didn't drink or smoke weed. Yes, I'll admit there was alcohol there, which I didn't take one sip of. In fact the whole time I was there I didn't drink anything. But I honestly didn't know there was weed there," Hannah replied sincerely.

"Alright I guess I believe you. You've never lied to me before," her father said his posture relaxing.

Hannah stood up picking up her phone, "Great, it's been fun talking to you Dad, but I want to go for my run before the sun gets too hot," She said glancing at the time 7:45.

"Sit down young lady, I have one more question," her father told her nodding at her chair indicating for her to sit down.

Hannah gave an exasperated sigh but did as he told her.

"And if you keep acting like that I might just make you stay here," he frowned at her.

"Sorry," Hannah muttered.

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