Food Poisoning (🏐)

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Sick : Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Caregiver : Kuroo

Warning : Vomit, Emetophobia, Panic Attack, Food Poisoning, Fainting, Triggered vomit


Kuroo, Kenma, Tsukishima and Hinata all went to a restaurant for dinner, a new restaurant that had not very many reviews or people who have tried the food.

Tsukishima was kind of nervous to go to a new restaurant as he is very cautious about new foods.

They all ordered their respected foods, Hinata and Tsukishima ordered the same dish that seemed would be easy and safe to eat. Boy were they wrong!

They all ranted on when they were done and soon they all went home, they are all in the same house. As they arrived, Tsukishima started to feel funny.

Tsukishima ignored that and when they got inside he went to his and his boyfriends(Kuroo's) room and took his shoes off, he got into comfortable pyjamas and got in bed.

Kuroo, Kenma and Hinata sat in the lounge and watched a movie. As they were watching the movie, Hinata started to feel funny, his stomach was making noises.

Kenma looked at Hinata.

Kenma : '' Hina? You okay? Your stomach is very loud. ''

Kenma laughs. Hinata gave a soft giggle and nodded.

Hinata : '' Oh y-yeah I'm okay. ''

Hinata nodded, his stomach churning and scrunching up, giving him a nauseous feeling.

Hinata let out a soft whine and gripped his stomach which got Kenma's attention.

Kenma : '' Hey baby. Are you alright? Does your tummy hurt? ''

Hinata nodded and gave a soft cry, he slowly stood up and scurried to the bathroom. Kenma quickly followed.

Kuroo remembered that Tsukishima ate the same thing as Hinata and he went to their bedroom to see if Tsukishima was okay. Kuroo noticed Tsuki was asleep in bed but he was sweating and looked pale.

Kenma frowned as Hinata was emptying his stomach into the toilet, rubbing Hinata's back softly, Kenma was whispering soft reassurances into Hinata's ear.

Kuroo went to Tsukishima and took his shirt off to cool him down.

Kuroo : '' Hey Tsuki.. love wake up. ''

Kuroo gently shook Tsuki, he wanted Tsuki to be awake so he could take some medicine. Tsukishima opened his eyes slowly, jolting forward with a gag.

Tsukishima swallowed thickly to stop himself from vomiting, his body now shivering with fear as he absolutely hated being sick.

Kuroo grabbed the trash can and helped Tsukishima sit up and placed the can under Tsuki's chin.

Kuroo : '' Hey baby, it's okay you can let it out. ''

Tsukishima shook his head stiffly and pushed the trash can away, he didn't want to be sick. Tsuki started breathing really fast and shaking his head even more.

Kuroo frowned, placing the trash can under Tsuki's chin.

Kuroo : '' Please love.. you need to let it out. Calm down. ''

Kuroo placed his hand on Tsuki's stomach and rubbed softly, Tsukishima jolted with a dry gag and winced in fear.

Kuroo kept rubbing Tsukishima's stomach then rubbed a certain spot. Tsukishima brought up his half digested food into the trash can and gripped the sides of the can tightly with his hands.

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