BokuAka (Overworked) (🏐)

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Sorry it's short, but this was requested by Diiaaa_suga I was meaning to type this ages ago but finally had the motivation to now!


Sick : Bokuto
Caregiver : Akaashi

Warnings : Overworking, Vomit, Fainting


Bokuto is a person who often takes pride in working hard.

He and Akaashi usually work out together and play Volleyball together but Bokuto has recently been told by someone that he is fat.

Of course, Bokuto was very hurt by this comment and decided he wanted to work out more even without Akaashi there.

Bokuto kept going to the gym after practice and working out to lose weight, despite the fact that he was not fat just had lots of muscle.

Akaashi has noticed how Bokuto has been working out more often.

One afternoon, Bokuto got home, his muscles hurting and Akaashi asked if Bokuto was okay to which Bokuto just replied with a yes.

Akaashi wasn't believing it, but he shrugged it off.

Until Akaashi noticed Bokuto Overworking himself every day and coming home with sore muscles and feeling so tired and exhausted.


Bokuto came home, feeling dizzy, sore, nauseous and tired.

He stumbled to Akaashi, tears in his eyes and he dropped to his knees.

Bokuto : '' Kaashi.... please I don't want to do this anymore..''

He cries. Akaashi was confused, he held Bokuto close and frowned worriedly.

Akaashi : '' Baby what happened? Are you okay? ''

Bokuto cries, hugging Akaashi tight, nuzzling his face into the crook of Akaashi's neck.

Bokuto : '' I'm not fat am I? ''

Akaashi's eyes narrowed.

Akaashi : '' No baby you are not. Who the hell said that? ''

Bokuto sobbed, he was burning up and feeling really badly nauseous.

Akaashi frowned, feeling Bokuto's forehead.

Akaashi : '' Okay let's get you in the shower to get you cooled off. ''

Akaashi said and helped Bokuto stand up, which was a bad idea.

Bokuto's stomach did not agree with standing up and his stomach churned making Bokuto jolt with a gag.

Akaashi held Bokuto close, gently sitting him down.

Akaashi went to grab a bowl from the kitchen but couldn't get back in time and Bokuto brought up bile and stomach acid onto himself as he had barely anything in his stomach.

Akaashi rushed back and placed the bowl under Bokuto's chin, Bokuto continued to bring up bile and water into the bowl, his body shaking. He felt weak and sick.

Akaashi rubbed Bokuto's back and frowned.

Akaashi : '' Oh baby... you've overworked yourself too much. ''

Bokuto cries, he finished getting sick and leaned against Akaashi, tears falling down his cheeks and his body shaking.

Bokuto : '' Kaa.... my body.. ''

He winces in pain and sobs, hiding his face on Akaashi's shoulder, he still felt really sick and disgusting.

Akaashi carried Bokuto gently to the bathroom and helped him get undressed and turned on the shower.

Bokuto sniffles and muffles sobs as Akaashi got in the shower with him and helped wash Bokuto and give him comforting kisses.

Once done in the shower, Akaashi brought Bokuto to bed and went to the kitchen.

He grabbed some crackers and medicine for Bokuto and brought it back to the bedroom.

Bokuto was getting dressed. Akaashi helped Bokuto get dressed and got dressed himself.

He then made Bokuto eat some crackers which Bokuto didn't want to, but he managed to eat it and take some medicine.

Akaashi then played with Bokuto's hair and soon Bokuto fell asleep.

Akaashi was relived that Bokuto was asleep and no longer getting sick right now.


Words : 557

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