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Emma mentioned she had to go to the hospital as her sister was admitted due to a fever.
I went with her. We stayed there for a long time, until I told her that I would buy us something from the canteen.

I was walking through the car park to the canteen when I heard murmurs.
I followed the voice to see Dr William saying something to a person. I walked a few steps ahead to see the person. My feet came up to an halt as soon as I saw his face. The familiarity He was that truck driver.

The memories of that day came to my mind like a recap; the way the truck hit the car and how it hit the tree; how that truck came to us when Adam and I were going to find Aiden.

What is he doing here? With uncle? I snuck behind the car to listen to their conversation.

"I did as you said" says the truck driver.

"I told you to kill Jade and Aiden. I could have told it was one of Michael's enemies who did that. I'm disappointed. But you did kill Ron and Ava. " My eyes went wide at the mention of my parents' names. Ron and Ava? Those are my parents! Were they killed? Did that truck driver kill them? Was it that doctor who advised him to kill?

"You did help me when I killed Sophie." Sophie? Isn't that Aiden's mom?

"Jade and Aiden remain me of their filthy mother's. I want them killed. I will give you one more chance. " He said, I slowly stepped back and ran back to Emma. I lied to her and had her take me back to my apartment.

When I entered my room, I shut the door and lay face down on the bed, processing everything I overheard.

He had said that he had killed my parents! He killed Aiden's mom! But why? Why did he kill them? What did they ever do to him? Why did he take three innocent lives? My eyes were blurred with tears from the memories.

He sent that person to kill me and Aiden because we look alike our mother. He didn't know how it felt to cry for help and be helpless. He didn't know how it felt to watch our parents die until we passed out. He has no emotions! He betrayed me! Is this why he defended me in front of Michael to take me as a bodyguard? So he will have me near him?

I couldn't hold my tears anymore, so I cried, cried out loud! I screamed! Understanding why my parents were killed is not a simple thing. It's ridiculous! It's heartbreaking! I screamed with all my strength, which made everything in the room leap into the air and crash with a thud. Everything broke.

"Jade!" My aunt cried! I shut up and everything stopped. My aunt rushed toward me. "What happened, honey? What's wrong? " When she asked aunt, I could hear concern in her voice.I sat, hugged and cried again. She didn't say anything as she held me while I was crying. After a long moment, I let go of her, weeping.

"What's wrong?" She asks again, softly.

"My parents were killed!" I whisper-shouted.

I watched her go still. "Who told you about that?" She asks.

"About that? Have you known? Did you know about that? " I ask.

"I did, but who told you? How did you know? "

"I knew, that's not the matter. Who told you?"

"It matters! You too were betraying me? " I can't help this.

"I wasn't betraying, you honey! I was keeping you safe! "

"By not telling me the truth."

"I'll tell you everything. Just tell me who told you this."

"I heard, Aunt! I overheard Dr. speaking to that truck driver who hit our car! " I shouted, crying hard.

"You overheard the doctor?"

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